I know this is an odd question, but I can explain.

My girlfriend (25F) and I (24F) have been together for a year and a half. Things are going well, but I have this constant feeling that I love her more than she loves me.

She loves me, I know that. But she’s constantly on my mind, even when I’m busy doing things, I always think of her and miss her when we aren’t talking. When I’m out with family and friends, I always shoot a text to her occasionally so she never feels ignored.

But I don’t think it’s the same for her. I don’t think she thinks of me much when we aren’t talking, never messages when she’s out, and in general, I just feel like she means more to me than I do to her.

I know everyone expresses love differently, but I can’t shake the feeling and it kind of hurts. I don’t want to feel like this anymore, I want to be able to love her the same as she loves me: not more or less.

Is there any way for this to be possible?

TL;DR: I feel like I love my girlfriend more than she loves me, but I want to find a way to love her equally instead of feeling like there’s an imbalance. Is it possible to do that?

  1. Every relationship since time began, one of the two people loves a bit harder.

    That’s life. Embrace it.

    Anyway the problem is not that you love her too much, but that you *dwell on her* too much. Make sure you have plenty to occupy your mind when you are not together. She can’t be your whole life.

  2. Why don’t you just carry around something that reminds you of her? And try to really focus on enriching your life outside of her. You should add other activities that help you stay anchored in your individuality. Try not to monitor this too much but I’m pretty sure over time you’ll find you think about her less

  3. I agree with the bottom comments. When I was in boarding school the only person who could distract me from my boyfriend was my best friend and we were joined by the hip and even then I’d still blab about him like constantly.

    But whenever I got home and I was around my art supplies and laptop again I could go hours without talking to him or thinking about calling him or any of that.

    You need create a life outside of your girlfriend and maintain it constantly and you’ll finally maybe understand her a bit better and yourself.

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