I fucking suck at talking atleast thats what i thought untill I met a old freind and we had a really good talk. I dont get it why can I be this way with him but not with other people. me him and another guy were walking together in school and then the other guy had to leave, I was being shy and untalkative the whole time he was there but the second he leaves POOF I become a more confident person. how could i be like this all the time? or most.


1 comment
  1. I used to have a lot of anxiety socially. Then one day I realized that no one actually gives a fuck about what I’m doing and tbh if you just act normal, they’ll probably actually *like* you.

    Just practice talking. If you like talking to your friend, practice talking and acting normal when his around you with other people. So you can bounce your energy off of him. Once you start feeling comfortable start trying to just be that energy when you’re just alone. Also please don’t use your friend as a crutch! That’s not way I’m saying.

    It gets easier, it’s honestly just practice.

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