So my husband works a job that is very taxing on him mentally and physically and works 60-70 hour weeks. His hours are very sporadic and can result in him working 24 hour days because he is on call 24 hours a day.

We don’t see him much but he is a wonderful dad and a good husband.

On occasion, maybe 3-4x per year he drinks a bit too much. For example, today in a three hour period he drank 8 beers. No one else knows he is drunk but I can tell.

I don’t drink and I find drinking to be gross.
When we got in the car to head home I could tell by his voice he had a few beers and asked him how many. When he said 8 I said to him I didn’t understand how he could have that much to drink so quickly. I told him I thought it was gross.

He says I think I’m perfect and better than him.

I explained to him I used the wrong words but I don’t understand how while he is recovering from a 23.5 hour shift why he would drink in excess and put his body under more stress.

I know this isn’t the time to have this conversation.

Now I’m worried I came on too strong and should’ve just let him be and decompress.
He truly doesn’t do it often and never makes a fool of himself.

  1. Binge drinking is never good but if he rarely does it and he’s not making irresponsible choices when he’s drunk then I would give him a pass. It happens.

  2. Then let the man have a few and decompress. It doesn’t happen enough to be a problem, no sense in turning it into one.

  3. If my in laws are babysitting, I’m damn sure gonna drink to the point of having a good buzz going on… I only get to drink 3-4 times a year as well. So I don’t really see the issue personally. I think your husband is right and you’re a little judgemental. Unless of course he’s behaving badly.

  4. This is a typical response of someone who doesn’t drink. If he doesn’t do it often, I’d relax a bit. Work is stressful and if a few drinks can make the man feel a little better, great! Dont be a stressor in his life.

  5. For me, two glasses of wine is good. At that point I’m buzzed and good to stop. 8 drinks is far too much fir anyone other than like, Andre the giant.

  6. I don’t see a problem really. If it was monthly maybe but not 3-4 times a year. But I’m also not married to him. If YOU have a problem with it, it’s worth addressing before it gets out of hand.

  7. i think you need to be more gentle, kind, forgiving and caring. Bro works a lot so let him chill.

    (Sidenote: i am fully against alcohol and i have never drank it in my life nor will i)

  8. I’m a recovering alcoholic when I was drinking it was 5 beers a night, and there were too many to count on weekends. Over 5 yrs sober now.

  9. Depends on the drink and situation. If I’m dealing with family…there’s never enough to drink lol

  10. 3 or 4 times per year seems fine. I don’t drink really ever but even 8 beers doesn’t seem like the most. 8 beers plus 8 shots that’s a different story maybe barely. I think he’s fine sorry it’s gross to you. Everyone has their turn offs good thing you love him anyways.

  11. Maybe he is not supposed to be driving after drinking I get that. But let this man have a few beers and relax for a moment… You sound like those type of wife’s that don’t know how to give space.

  12. Definitely the wrong time to start that conversation. If he doesn’t do it often and never makes a fool of himself, Why did you give him a hard time. Doesn’t sound like he had a drinking problem. It would be different if he did that every week.

  13. Sometimes you just gotta put the world on a tilt. I’m very much like your husband, I rarely drink, but those 2-4 times a year, I’m going to make everyone proud.

    I drink merely for affect, don’t have any particular taste for anything, but vodka and sprite usually get it done… and then I wake up feel like I’ve run over by a truck and won’t touch the shit again for 6-8 months….

    It’s just a way to detach from reality for a few hours and talk random gibberish with your buds and solve every single world problem

  14. 8 beers 3-4 times a year does not even hit the spectrum of a drinking problem. Let the man cope in what seems to be a way he has under control.

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