Been hearing and reading about how hard the first year of marriage is in terms of adjusting to your partner and just wanted to get your take.

  1. In my relationship, the trickiest part was moving in together.

    Living with someone under the same roof creates a completely different dynamic from dating and occasional sleep overs.

    We got married 10 years after moving in together, so it was mostly smooth sailing by then.

  2. We lived with my GF for several years together before marriage. For me, nothing changed. I would stand with her for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health even if we didn’t married. So I recommend to actually live together before marriage, if possible of course.

  3. First year is relatively easy, I found.
    When we had kids and I made some stupid career decisions is when things got tough in our house.

  4. Hard?!

    Why would it be hard, if you’ve married the most special person on the planet?

  5. Huh? I don’t understand. Why should the first year be specially hard? In day to day life nothing really changes besides both wearing a wedding ring and how you address your partner when talking about them.

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