What shows or podcast would you recommend to build a sense of humor because don’t seem to enjoy comedic jokes much in tv these days.

  1. You need to just talk to people. Everyone is a mix of different interests and ideas they might have, but you’re only going to build that conversation muscle by just talking to people.

    Maybe podcasts/ shows can help but emulating a guy on a tv show or podcast probably won’t make you feel confident, since you’d kind of be following a script, and conversations don’t work like that.

    Plus, categorising women as a different group probably hurts you. Youre just talking to other people. Comedy itself comes from a variety of different places, for some people they’re just really sharp and observant, and they can find comedy in small stuff like that, for others it’s a storytelling ability. Obsessing over it, trying to make people laugh all the time also doesn’t really help.

    I feel as though the most confident people I know aren’t insecure about how they come across, so remember that even if you can be awkward, you have value as a human being that you can give. The worst thing you can do is to fall into self pity if you get rejected or a joke doesn’t land or something.

    I guess my main advice is to loosen up, and just focus on whatever conversation you’re having.

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