so i dont know how to think or treat people that wear fake designer bags, it is not the bag itself but i have like the gut feeling that those people are not persons that someone should trust. i know i sound exaggerated but hear me out. wearing a fake designer bag means that you are trying to emulate an economic class that you are not. you want to belong somewhere you clearly cant afford to belong to and are kind of deceiving especially if you dont admit it is fake. I mean if you take the bus and cant afford to spend 15k on a car but can spend 5 k on a bag? that doesnt make sense. honestly i think most real designer bags are ugly anyway and there are enough mid range brands that cost significantly cheaper have better quality and have a better design and cost probably cheaper than a fake knock off out of plastic and awful finishing. so why am i saying this and come to that conclusion? 1. i was moving out and i already had to give the key to my apartment but the apartment was still full. So i brought some shopping carts put them in the hallway in front of my door and started there loading all of my stuff into it to get the apartment empty. so i was in a very vulnerable position because all my stuff was in the hallway and everyone could just steal it. so then this girl comes out of nowwhere which i never saw in those 5 years i lived there and offered me her help. so I said no. thank you very nice but no. she insisted very hardly to help me bc you could see i was struggling. I just replied that i dont know how she can help me and that if i see a way that she can help me i would knock on her door. now later on when i actually needed help i asked her if she could go to the garbage room on the ground floor to get me a shopping cart because i cant leave my shopping carts unattended. the shopping carts are in the trash room and when opening you could see them at first sight. so she went to the garbage room and said she didnt see them and i was kind of baffled. they were there at first sight. then a few hours later i asked her if she could give the phone number of a storage company, which she did, i called from the burner phone i had not a smartphone and those fuckers said to me i needed to do that on the internet. i told them that i have already a storage with them, they have all my information i just need a storage deposit more. the employee insisted me on doing it on the computer. so i asked the girl if she could do the reservation in her cellphone. i would tell her how, she doesnt need to provide any financial information anyway, and i would not touch her phone or computer or even enter her apartment because i get if its uncomfortable for her. she didnt do it. so she wanted literally to help me move which i denied but then if i actually needed help which was getting a storage on the internet and a shopping cart from the trash room which required way less time and effort compared to actually moving out from my apartment. i really dont know what to think about this. then later a neighbor came, the girl who wanted to help me came, i was there and we started talking. she came out of her room with guess what a fake lady dior mini bag. then i talked about how i dont have a storage and dont want to leave my stuff in the building, and she just replied : “nothing will happen, no one will steal your stuff”, i just replied that stealing happens here all the time and last week the literally took away the flat screen attached to the wall with screws. if they steala flat screen attached to the walls with screws they hell sure will steal a shopping cart full of valuables. the day i moved i thought she was very nice and even wanted to ask for fer contact data to stay in touch in meet up some time for coffee, because people never do favors not even the smallest they dont even bother to say hello and i thought it was so nice that she offered me to unload my stuff. but a few days later i thought maybe she was just so nice to me because she wanted so see in what moment she can steal something from me and what, because that was a really vulnerable position to be in. so yeah i dont know what to think about that. also i googled how much that mini lady dior bag costs. it costs 5000. that bag was hella sure fake, she lives in an apartment next to refugees and people on welfare has to share the washing machine with those peoples shit and doesnt have a car and takes the subway, but has a dior bag, doesnt make sense. also these bags are not even cute, i even find the real deal quite ugly. money cant buy u taste. the people i know who wear those real designer bags usually live in areas where the houses start at 3 million, have an upscale car and sometimes a yate. and even then not all of them wear just designer even people in bougie areas dress fast fashion not stealth wealth. i mean olivia palermo buys at top shop all the time. its not like every one of them only wears designer hand bags most of them dont have any at all. so i dont know what these people are trying to achieve with their fake bags. but i think its a signifier of something bad in their character. what do you think?

2. on tik tok there is an italian woman monica poli who films herself shouting attenzione pick pockets. those pick pockets dont look nothing homeless, they look clean young and guess what they have, fake designer bags. not all of them but some of them.


so yeah what do you think about people who buy fake designer bags? is there a siginifier about how to identify thieves? because those pick pockets look normal, they dont look homeless or weird. they look put together, clean, with fake designer bags.


1 comment
  1. In some cultures people just buy fake stuff not necessarily thinking that they wanna belong to any social class! But they just buy it cause it’s cheap…it depends really on the person so I wouldn’t generalize…however, you can tell a lot about a person’s character when they try to claim that whatever fake stuff they have is original! That’s a major red flag

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