To start, my fiancé and I had been engaged for three years. We first met as coworkers, when she and I were assigned to the same project. We dated for 5 months, and eventually roomed with each other, in the apartment that we leased for $6,000.

We established rules that both of us had to comply with, so as to avoid trifles like jealously, secretes, and squabbles. However, last night, as I came back from work (I worked OT; she had already gone home), I heard moaning sounds coming from our bedroom. I opened the door to our bedroom, and I saw my wife and my boss having sexual intercourse. When they saw me, they jolted up from the bed, my fiancé’s face overwhelmed by embarrassment.

Disgusted by what I saw, I immediately left our apartment, without changing my clothes or packing anything. I stayed the night at my parents’ apartment (they lived two blocks down from where she and I live). In the morning, I checked my phone, and saw that it had been inundated with text messages from my fiancé, who said she was sorry and that what she did was a mistake.

What should I do? Should I allow her to explain herself – and may be convince her to do couple’s therapy with me.

  1. First things first, take some time for yourself to process this mess. it’s a heavy betrayal.

    It’s your call if you wanna give her a chance to explain. But don’t ignore your own well-being in the process. You deserve respect and honesty, man.

  2. I’m more interested in whether you went back to work and how you are going to handle that aspect of it.

    Dump her. Move out of the apartment. Find someone better.

  3. This is past therapy man – she not only destroyed your relationship, she likely impacted your career.

    Dunno what kind of business it is, but if it’s a big company you need to contact HR immediately. Get in front of it before the two of them decide to get in front of you.

  4. Depending on where you live, you could file a complaint with HR and get them both fired.

  5. Report to HR asap. Those two will collude & get you fired if you don’t get your story in first.

    Also. HR will try to bone you just as hard, make sure you’ve got evidence so it’s not just he-said-she-said. You might need to play it soft with your wife initially, just until you get transcripts.

  6. The only appropriate action here is to go to HR.
    Be thankful you didnt have the mess of divorce here.

  7. NO!! Heck no do not allow her to make up a story so you forgive her. She did it with your BOSS in your BED! There is no coming back from this. Don’t even have a conversation with her. Pack up your stuff and leave her. Be silent and then block her, she doesn’t deserve to try and worm her way back.
    And in all honesty find a new job. And if your boss is married, tell his wife and peace out of that job. They both are horrible to you!

  8. This has to be fake cuz there’s no way someone can think this relationship is salvageable.

  9. Damn! You are one lucky SOB! You found out she was a cheater BEFORE you got married. You would be a fool to consider anything other than ending things and moving on with your life.

  10. Am still confused with her thought process on this…you’ll be coming home from work, yet she had boss come over and give her the d. No fear and respect. This has to be a fake.

    Also who pays $6,000 for an apartment? It better not be a one bedroom.

  11. Is it a Fiance or Wife? You keep switching

    Not really a thing people mix up

    Account made in 2022, no posts no comments save this

    Mmmm fake posts

  12. Ah um… so..


    I’m a little thrown off by the fact that, for as embarrassed as you claim she was, that she took her boss… to the apartment you both share… to have sex with him? And they’re surprised they got caught?


    That’s a wrap, my friend. Not only did she cheat on you, but she was incredibly brazen about it, too. Even worse, it shows a level of comfort about her affair that she did it there instead of literally anywhere else. (Staying at a hotel, a car somewhere, etc).

  13. > I (30m) Discovered That My Fiancé (30f) had an affair with My Boss. What Should I Do?

    1. Try asking more questions about their affair via text (use the actual name of your boss while asking questions) to have more evidence

    2. Break the engagement & take the ring back

    3. Report both of them to the HR

    4. Tell your families and friends

    5. Take up a hobby to divert yourself

    6. Start looking for a new job

    7. Get tested for STDs

  14. You dump her. Your boss obviously knew you were engaged, so I would go about destroying his life.

  15. Fake.

    They were so shocked but were in your bed when you would be coming home?
    You call her fiance and wife?
    Even your wording sounds like a roommate when you say:
    >We established rules that both of us had to comply with, so as to avoid trifles like jealously, secretes, and squabbles

  16. Doesn’t ring true.

    Why would someone you live with decide to have sex with your boss, in your bed, when you’re due back from work? Also, too much detail, too little emotion and a weird as fuck question at the end.

    And just on the off chance it’s real: the relationship’s over; there’s no coming back from this. You need to get ahead of the game at work.

    On a brighter note, there’s a potential promotion opportunity here when your boss is either fired or he resigns in humiliation after you hang him out to dry.

  17. In this fictional scenario, he should have joined in and done the Eiffel Tower and then therapy for all three of them.

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