So I am going to be in 3rd grade of high scale this year and for the past 2 years I’ve been taking on a personality:

\- I always ALWAYS crack jokes, sometimes they are funny and clever and sometimes they are dad jokes/puns that make people laugh solely because of how bad they are. which made some people desensitized to my jokes

\- I am not that great physically which like it or not reduces people’s respect for you, even if that’s a little

\- I also sometimes pretend to be dumb and pretend to not understand certain social cues, I did this specifically because it felt great when I saw people getting confused but I later realised that it had big long-term effect of people who don’t know me thinking that I am actually stupid.

the last point led to me sometimes getting belittled which is not that nice honestly.

I want to change this but I am not sure if it’s possible since pretty much everyone knows at least two of those things about me.

if something like this happened to someone here and they overcame it let me know

1 comment
  1. It’s alright. Just go for it.

    People adjust. Maybe at first they’ll notice, but eventually most people will just get used to the new you, they’ll probably even forget the old you. Or leave it as a distant memory.

    Honestly, I relate to this a lot. Especially, the last point. That’s something I’m working on as well. I’ve spent my time pretending to be an idiot, and that’s the image I’ve built.

    Don’t let people stop you from improving.

    If I think about it, people have noticed that I’m more mature now and that I’m more intelligent than I act or used to act. If the fact they involve me more in discussions or that they listen to what I say more often is anything to go by. Even if they themselves don’t notice it.

    Though, I’m still working on it. I think most of the points you’ve covered, are similar to the ones I’m working on improving in myself.

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