How important is it that a man can cook?

  1. Pretty important, or else he’d be stuck only ever eating fast food, which would be difficult to survive healthily on without some intensive planning. And, like…if you’re going to do that kind of planning, why not just take a class on cooking?

  2. In my first few relationships, it wasn’t important to me because I can cook really well and I love to cook. Cooking for my partner is definitely a love language.

    However, when I met my husband and he cooked for me the first time, I’d realized that my previous multi-year relationships had never done such a thing and I felt so adored and taken care of. Honestly, it made a huge difference on how I viewed my partner in the relationship as I saw him much more of an equal than me mothering him because he didn’t have basic skills.

    Today, I still do 80% of the cooking, but I’m currently pregnant and my husband took over allllll the cooking in the first trimester and it was such a relief. So I’d say it’s for sure pretty important to me. If not for the benefit of taking the night off once in awhile, then having the piece of mind that the man can take care of himself (and me!) lol

  3. Incredibly important. Being able to cook is a basic human necessity unless you’re in the 1% and fine eating take out for literally every meal forever.

  4. Not important at all, to me. I’m a woman and I can’t cook, so why should I expect him to? I use meal delivery services myself, which are fantastic, and also buy simple stuff like fruit, frozen veggies, wraps, cheeses etc that don’t require cooking. I don’t have an interest in it and I have no problem if he doesn’t either.

    Edit: There’s a lot of comments on here that you can’t eat, or you have to eat fast food all the time if you don’t cook. Maybe it’s a cultural thing? I haven’t cooked for years, but I also never eat fast food, and I somehow manage to eat three healthy meals every day. So it’s not impossible, lol.

  5. Not important

    By cooking I’m assuming you mean beyond a very basic understanding that everyone knows

  6. Every adult ought to be capable of performing basic life skills like cooking. They don’t have to be a cordon bleu chef, but they should be able to at least prepare basic meals.

  7. Somewhat. I think having a basic ability to make food for yourself is necessary, but I don’t consider “I can throw a sandwich together” and cooking a whole meal from scratch the same. The former is an essential skill, any adult needs to be able to at least make a very basic meal, even if it is putting pre-made stuff together. The latter is less important, I get wanting to be able to make a nice dish from scratch, but to be honest I don’t do it really ever personally (I know how, just hate it) and I don’t eat out every meal

  8. They need to be able to cook well enough to take care of themselves.

    It’s important enough since it’s honestly just a life skill I’d expect of a functioning adult, and not being able to do this would negatively affect my perception of this person.

  9. Any functional grown adult should be able to cook. Cooking is a basic survival skill, and I will not be carrying his ass when the apocalypse comes.

  10. As someone who just broke off a relationship where I was doing 90% of the cooking, cleaning and general housework and felt more like the maid than a partner, I’d say its incredibly important. I am not your mum. Do your fair share!

  11. very, because i’m awful at it by myself and need an extra set of hands when making big meals

  12. He doesn’t have to be Gordon Ramsey, but if he can’t even cool simple Spaghetti, I would be worried.

  13. Very important to me. I expect to take turns cooking for each other and I don’t want to eat crap 50% of the time

  14. Extremely. Im not a maid, my boyfriend and i split evenly every chore when we soend time together. And it will be the same when we will eventually live together.

  15. It’s pretty important, he needs to be able to take care of himself it’s a life skill. If we’re in a relationship it would be nice if he could handle dinner sometimes, especially when I’m unwell.

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