So I (M23) just got new neighbors (F? 20-22 I’m assuming) and I found this note on my door when I got home from work today. Is my response okay? I feel like it’s fun and open, but idk if I’m being a little bit extra lmao.

For context I live in a college town and I graduated last year and am taking a gap year, so pretty much all of my friends have moved away. Just got out of a relationship (my ex is in grad school and I pretty much had only hung out with her since graduation) and am super not trying to get involved in anything (romantically) but definitely need new friends. It won’t be the end of the world if we don’t end up hanging out much afterwards I’m getting involved in other hobbies and things to meet new people, but would like to make a good impression.

The note said:

“Hi neighbors!

We’re having people over tomorrow around 1:00, feel free to join!

Here’s our numbers too if you need anything :)”

And then their 3 numbers

My response(edit: I haven’t sent it yet so open to suggestions):
“Hey neighbors! 👋 I like your handwriting R or M or K, thanks for the invite! Will try to swing by at some point tomorrow. Lmk if y’all need anything for it I’m happy to help 🙂 cookies, liquor(unless y’all are women of god in which case I apologize for offering), etc.”

Took out their names here for privacy reasons but they are spelled out in the text. Am I doing too much?

  1. Don’t think so no.

    The “women of god” comment might be a bit much for someone you don’t for sure know, but done is done, and worse to worse apologize and move on.

    Other than that yeah. They offered an invitation: you accepted the invitation and offered to bring some stuff if needed. I find that it might help to bring some of something anyways – drinks, N/A or A, my friend would always forget ice or red cups so those were sure bets.

    But yeah. They invited you, and you offered without (if I’m reading right) feeling like you are stretching yourself thin.

    Go have fun!

  2. Keep it simple. Hey, thanks for the invite. This is my number, and I will be sure to drop by at some point. What should I bring drinks, chips, alcohol.

  3. Yes you doing too much. You don’t even need to reply but if you do say “Thanks for the invite, i can bring liquor and cookies”

    Idk bout the woman of god joke cuz i know it’s a joke but

  4. Yes, doing too much. Just be normal. By this text I’d say you’re a a divorced dad trying to get with the young girls.

    “Thank you so much for the invite. My name is ____ I live on ____ … I’d be really happy to help with the gathering, I can bring snacks or beverages to share with you and the neighbors. Welcome to the block! ”

    Or suggest something yourself like: ” I bake some cookies myself, they’ll be homemade and fresh”

    Or bake them yourself and then tell them at the gathering.

    Introduce yourself. Be short and simple. No need to make someone laugh over the phone, leave the jokes to the gathering, maybe you won’t even vibe with them as you think you will so don’t set yourself up for anything other than reality.

  5. I would get an odd vibe from that. The handwriting thing. Offering cookies. And the women of god. All a bit odd to me.

    Hey! It’s X from next door. Got your invite. Will try and swing by at some point. Anything you ladies want me to bring?

    Nice but not odd

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