I met someone in one of my Gen Ed classes in college a few years back and we even became groupmates for a term but eventually, we didn’t keep in contact after that subject finished. During quarantine though, I was suggested her IG account because we were friends on Facebook so I decided to follow her and she followed me back. A year later, her account got hacked so she had to made a new IG and she also requested to follow me there so there’s that.

I always found her really pretty and when we talked before, she mentioned a few similar interests so I was thinking maybe I try and talk to her and see if something’s there. The only other conversation we’ve had since that one class was me greeting her happy birthday and asking about one of the trips, she was on (this was one of the only times I’ve seen her post a story). Even then, those messages kinda just stopped since she got busy with her trip.

If anyone’s got advice on how to “slide” into the DMs, I would appreciate it.

  1. It’s not that difficult lol. Don’t overthink it so much. Just say Hello, and ask her how she’s been and what’s new with her. Continue the conversation from there.

  2. Something that “genuinly” reminded you of her

    I sent a girl a video of something jason derulo related

    since we had been talking about that when we met and comically the next song played at the bar was one of his, she went on a trip like 2 days later and i didnt want to bother her.. so momentum was gone

    4 years later i sent the video and added “sorry this really reminded me of you”

    she replied “hahaha wow how do you still know of my existence”
    and then “but wow long time ago *laughing emjo* go jason”

    i liked the first comment and sent “your bubbly character must have left a mark”



    I mean never actually knew if she liked me back then but if you dont lead the conversation you cant expect them to engage for you


    i think i should have added something after like

    “have never seen you around since that evening” (small town and actually lot of common friends) followed by
    “what have you been upto”

    to maybe then be shocked from her busy life and ask the meet up for drinks sometime
    phrase it romantically… actually drawing a blank with decent advice but
    **”wow you havent been sitting arround, that has to be that energy of yours i was always attracted by, lets meetup for a drink sometime next week or if you are ever around”**

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