It’s 3 am here, and I still cannot sleep because I am thinking over and over.

My friend said that he got bored of listening to my same troubles repeatedly. But I am going through really hard times and I need to talk to someone to relax. My problems seem trivial and exaggerated to him.

He is my best friend; I don’t want to lose him, but I also don’t want to talk to him again because I felt worthless.

Who is wrong? Am I being selfish, or is he being insensitive? He thinks I crossed his boundaries.

1 comment
  1. In all honesty he’s being kinda insensitive, unless he has explicitly stated that he doesn’t want to hear about them then you haven’t crossed any boundaries. The best I can say is try and find someone else to vent to, maybe a therapist, maybe a journal/diary. Hope this helps OP

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