I was known for being funny, and the class clown, I was just really fun to be around. However, that was pre-2020, that was literally during elementary I was like 11. Now I can barely talk, literally, I stutter a lot I feel so nervous for no reason. This year (sophomore) is the first year I have a class with them, and I’m afraid we’re going to “drift off” and not be friends anymore, since I’m so boring now. Really we’re only connected because: I met them again in middle school, and I’ve hung out with them at lunch.

I have actually 0 hobbies right now, I feel like the boringest monotone person. I just pass the time watching YouTube, just doing anything on my laptop. I struggled on the easy first day of school icebreakers like, “what’s your favorite color?” “what’s something interesting about you?”. So what am I supposed to talk about?

I also have a terrible sense of style, this might contribute to the issue maybe I start overthinking a lot. Maybe I don’t though but compared to how everyone else in my grade dresses, I look a little kid. My whole life I’ve dressed like Adam Sandler, if it’s comfy, I’m wearin it. In elementary I didn’t care at all, however now I don’t wanna be a weird kid.

I don’t know how to start conversations. You meet your friends your like “sup man”, then what.

  1. You sound self aware and perhaps should consider therapy or talking to someone about your negative self image. Youre making your self dislike yourself, because you are thinking you need to be something else.

    Theres a thing about society where it feels like everyones got it figured out, until you realize noone does. Everyone at some time is questioning their decisions and style and all of what youre worrying about. This is normal to a degree, but sounds like you’re experiencing a more pronounced version of it.

    So with that, try and consider meditating and redirecting your negative self speak (acknowledge it, but dont let it make you think any which way), and maybe some counceling/therapy.

    Youre not in a bad way, just maybe need some guidance. You got this!

  2. Don’t think so negatively about yourself.

    With the hobbies part, YouTube counts as a hobby, playing video/computer/mobile games counts as a hobby, any form of social media like Reddit counts as a hobby, even watching TV shows or movies is a hobby.

    I know some older people will say a hobby has to be something traditional like playing the guitar or reading a book, but times are changing, so don’t feel embarrassed to count the “new stuff” as hobbies.

    And also don’t feel embarrassed to talk about the things you find interesting online with your friends or classmates.

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