I’m in 11th grade and have 0 friends. I’m not online but, want to go online since everything is to overwhelming to me. I can’t talk to people and am not really comfortable with the people in any of my classes. I had a really bad 10th grade (I was online from 7th-9th so my first year) and the idea that I have to repeat everything is very hard for me so I’d rather opt to just go online.

Problem is my parents wont let me since they want me to actually interact with people my age and think its bad for me not to go out (I don’t even interact with anyone though). So I’m wondering what can I do? I said I’d get a job but, the “My age” part is important I guess. So looking for advice on activities I could so I can actually make friends or get out.

(also clubs and sports aren’t an option for me while I am inside of school so I’m very set on doing online so don’t really want advice on staying in school)

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