I’ve come to realise that I have developed my school’s special brand of weird humour and realised that I don’t know how to make people laugh without resorting to ironically-racist jokes, sex jokes or….sex jokes.

I don’t even know what to change it to at this point.
What do normal people laugh at?

Tell me, how can I change my humour, or at least my humour-style?

Because I find myself cringing at the things I’m saying even now.

  1. For my humour I have found the YouTube channel “charisma in command” pretty useful. It shows examples of celebrities and explains what good or bad thing they are doing to seem likeable, funny or boring and they teach some good lessons.

    Some of the tips I find useful are:

    Taking someone’s else’s joke to an extreme.

    Answering a question in a completely weird/
    unexpected way.

  2. If your humor is not working for others or for you, you can stop making jokes.
    You don’t need to be funny. You can just be a person.

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