So I (26F) have always been a little on the introverted side, but the older I get the more I enjoy my own company. I’m very close to my family and have a great boyfriend, but I feel like it’s important and healthy in a balanced life to have good relationships with your friends.

The problem is – I find myself getting really irritated by people very easily. I have friends and get on with them well, but my social battery runs out quickly and after socialising i will always fixate on the moment or two that they annoyed me, as hard as I try not to. I know full well it’s not their fault and don’t expect anyone to be perfect – it’s a me thing. But I can feel myself being more and more distant as a friend and it’s not good from a moral standpoint (to be a bad friend), and I’m assuming for my long term mental health I’ll regret not nurturing these friendships at some point.

I think it’s partly an age thing, and partly just going into pandemic life right after graduating and getting too used to a lack of socialisation in adulthood and then remote/hybrid working.

Anyone else been through something similar? Any advice on how to push through it?

  1. I think it’s important to focus on the reason(s) that annoyed you. I would just follow this path;

    Did they do it intentionally? > Yes = See next Q.


    No = Forget about, it was a mistake don’t let it bother you

    Ok, did they do it maliciously to hurt/annoy you? > Yes = If it was a joke that you didn’t like, then tell them about it and your feelings. They shouldn’t do it again.


    No = Forget about it. They did it because they had a reason, but it wasn’t to hurt you, so just let it go.

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