Guys, I really love it when a woman eats my cum — especially when she joyfully, sexily licks up errant cum drops (like gumdrops) and eats them.

But I don’t really know why I love it. It could be something like dominating her, but I’m absolutely *not* a dominator. It could be that I get excited when she abases herself, but there’s no sign of that in the rest of my actions.

Why do you love it? Can anyone suggest a reason why I find it so sexy? Thanks

  1. It shows engagement and enthusiasm. She’s taking your fluids. It’s erotic, somewhat taboo, somewhat special since not every woman does it.

  2. It’s like she except me fully at my most vulnerable moment. What could be sexier than that? For me, nothing.

  3. Because you feel desired. Feeling wanted is important during sex regardless of any power dynamics.

  4. Its fucking sexy. My girl loves to swallow my cum and lick it off her fingers when I cum on her face and tits. Many woman are disgusted by this so when you find one who loves it its like winning the sexual lottery.

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