as the title reads, last night my bf (21m) i(20f) were having sex and usually we fuck and we finish and its fun but nothing profound happens or anything. but last night we had been going for about 30 minutes? ish and we were just doing missionary with like my legs on his shoulders and he knows thats my favorite position cus it just really hits the spot so he was like really going for it like fucking me reallly hard. and idk what happened to me i actually felt like i was possessed but my eyes started rolling back like i had no control over them and i just like black out for a few seconds and then he cums and as soon he pulls out i came so hard i was like. mentally and physically overwhelmed and i immediately just start sobbing. like tears down my face i had to cover my mouth w my hand so i wouldnt make too much noise bc it was late and i was crying so loud and he got pretty concerned but i assured him i was fine just super overwhelmed in a good way. it was like arguably the best orgasm ive ever had and it was so extremely overwhelming i wonder if thats like normal cus it definitely didnt feel like it should’ve been lol. has any other woman experienced this ?

  1. Just wanted to say one thing. I just went through your TL, from difficulty orgasming about months back to having this one experience now, I’m happy that you got here.

  2. This happened with a partner once. Tbh freaked me out initially (thought something was wrong!) but she similarly was in total sensory and emotional overwhelm that just boiled over in that moment. Don’t fret.

  3. this isn’t normal but it’s more common than you might think. First the the sobbing: try looking up something called “post-coital dysphoria.” Post coital means after sex, and dysphoria just means that a feeling isn’t appropriate for the circumstances. I’m not sure how this is treated, but sometimes just knowing it had a name is helpful.

    If you searched “passed out orgasm” on r/sex you will find mixed in with others a handful of stories similar to yours. They all involve blacking out during spectacular orgasms- many times people describe consciously or unconsciously holding their breath leading up to and during orgasm. This combined with the vigorous physical activity of sex can make people more prone to feeling light-headed. Some stories also include unusual sexual positions, or rigid locked muscles, both of which can impede blood flow. Orgasms are weird and there are enough stories of people falling asleep, passing out, blanking out, or experiencing brief amnesia that I personally suspect that very occasionally orgasms alone can just knock people out.

    I’m not sure any of this helps you. Be conscious of your breathing and physical position- avoid positions which may cramp your legs or back for long periods. If you are worried please don’t hesitate to contact your primary care physician. They see everything and it’s just good to have someone for annual checkups.

  4. My wife has done this several times but it took a year or three before she did it. The sex just gets better and better and more intense emotionally the longer you do it. You are bonding very strongly with him take this as a good sign!

  5. I’ve experienced this many times. From my experience, I’m more prone to get emotional after/during orgasms when I have had a lot of stress in the days (weeks) leading up to it. At first I thought it was super weird, but once I got to know my body more, I could pick up signs leading up to the orgasm.
    The most important part is that you have a partner who you trust, and just hug it out while it happens. It feels amazing.

  6. I’ve experienced the same thing before I think it’s just a release of the emotions. It may not be the same for you but when I’m having a hard time, I’ll ask him to fuck me hard and it’s gets all my emotions out. Probably not the healthiest thing to do but it makes me feel so much better lol. As long as you reassure you’re partner and they understand it’s all good:’)

  7. It means it was a good and intense orgasm, OP. It happens to me too with exactly those kind of ones that make your eyes roll to the back of your head. I always see it as proof of a job well done. It means I felt a lot of pleasure and very close to my partner. Enjoy it, it’s a good sign.

  8. That means he’s doing it right! There should be an emotional attachment and with a powerful orgasm, those emotions can sometimes surface. Random emotions of literal tears, too 😭❤️

  9. It’s normal
    Been with women before and same thing happens. For me I don’t cry but the orgasm last about 1 minute or more and goes up and down my whole body and sometimes I shake. First time a woman sees it she’s a bit freaked out. But again don’t worry it …it was just an intense and well needed orgasm

  10. Oh yeah, haha… sex has got to be one of the best processing methods for me. If I’ve been going through it lately, then I get so vulnerable with my partner while I’m getting my brains fucked out… the waterworks will begin shortly after orgasm haha. The flood of hormones are just overwhelming and I let out a good cathartic cry. It’s more similar to a laugh-cry, because I don’t really feel sad. Just overwhelmed. He holds me and we laugh together. Sometimes he cries a little bit too. Just fucking someone you love can be intense at times.

  11. This happens once in awhile with my partner. He’s on tbe bigger side, but is also a very giving lover, so that combination will sometimes brings me to tears from tbe sensory overload. Not a bad thing IMO as long as you communicate with your partner 🙂

  12. Totally normal. And great!

    He fucked you into having an emotional high. Sometimes when we have emotions are bodies make tears. Your brain was riding on a sea of drugs that you basically got shot up with. That means the sex was goooooooood. Tears should be a marker of a job well done.

  13. Yeah I’ve had this happen with partners in the past not all but I’d say half have had this reaction, maybe not the full on sobbing crying your describing but the eyes rolling back overwhelming shaking thing and being very physically and emotionally drained afterwards is definitely pretty common, at least in my experience. Xx

  14. First: congratulations on experiencing a world-class orgasm. All of us should be jealous — crying or not.

    It sounds like your orgasm was a petite mort (French for little death) — an intense orgasm which causes you to almost black out.

    Your orgasm gave you an intense release. In your case, you probably had some suppressed sadness. That was released when you mega-came.

  15. I’ve had it happen to the woman I’m with now… but she also cries easier than most haha so

  16. It’s normal. When they’re super intense it can elicit emotions like laughter and crying. I’ve seen this and experienced it.

  17. Oh yeah. When my G-spot gets hit right and for a long enough time, I bawl my eyes out. No idea why. But it’s involuntary and it’s happy tears just like yours. Idk man sometimes the tears just flood out, they just come. And when that cry happens it always feels so good. That’s a crying sesh that always feels amazing.

  18. Perfectly normal. It can and does happen to anyone.
    Its just alot of emotions and hormones exploding.

    Don’t worry. It’s just a way to get emotional release.

  19. I had a partner who used to cry while blowing me. Perhaps it’s a different issue though?

  20. They say we carry our emotions in our hips. Some women cry during yoga too for similar reasons. Happens to me sometimes.

  21. Never sobbing, but I’m a guy and one time I came so hard I started laughing genuinely hysterically. Like the kind of laugh where it feels like every muscle in your body is trying to force it out. I had to force myself to calm down because I legitimately almost passed out from laughing so hard. Never happened before or since which is honestly kind of a bummer.

  22. Omg it finally happened to me as well. It was so good that I started making the weirdest noises, he was vocal as well and then I started crying and laughing.
    I was really overwhelmed in a good way.

  23. Happens to my wife occasionally and she ends up laughing and then we are both laughing. I’d say embrace it and when it happens be thankful for it. I think it’s a sign of true comfort, trust and bonding with your partner. They are some of my favorite moments in our sex life.

  24. My wife has cried after intense sex scared me to hell. She told me nothing was wrong and I did nothing wrong. She said later when calmed down she never felt so close emotionally and physically like that ever before and it was a good thing. She said she never gave so much of herself to someone else. She said she was crying because she never loved someone so much before. I feel the same way about her, I just never cried about it.

  25. this can happen to anyone of any sex. it’s definitely weird the first time, but once you know about it, it can be nice to just be held and let your feelings out. plus it makes the person you’re with feel like they truly blew your mind

  26. I regularly crygasm with my husband, he just knows the magic cry button. I always feel surprised and then really loved and cared for.

  27. My wife had a stretch of time where she would regular cry/sob as part of having an orgasm. It was alarming as a partner I must say. Sometimes it would be accompanied by a paralyzation type sensation. She would say “I can’t feel my legs” – it all ended quickly. I eventually took it all to mean she was enjoying it all solidly. Kinda jealous – way more intense than anything I’ve felt.

  28. I’m a man, and I’ve only had an orgasm like this once. Did MDMA, had sex a few times with no ejaculation. Tried masturbation the next day, still no ejaculation. Had sex the day after, came so hard, I cried tears of joy and shouted so loud I scared the neighbors, it was epic. Never felt that again.

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