I’ve been trying to push myself towards making new friends for the first time in awhile. I finally hit things off with a person, we have a lot in common, and talking to them is so natural.

Now I feel like I’ve gotten attached to this person too quickly, and those feeling aren’t quite mutual. I get nervous when they haven’t texted back in awhile, but I get being busy and having things to do as well. They’re constantly on my mind (not in a romantic way at all) and I have a hard time not letting my anxiety get the best of me in a situation like this. I just really don’t want to ruin a friendship due to me getting attached.

They worry about overstepping as well, but I make sure to reassure them that they haven’t been doing so. So maybe were both anxious about this? Making new friends is a whole new world after not going out of my way to do so for the longest time, and I’m not sure what to think about this fast attachment to this person…

1 comment
  1. I’m guessing you’re a bit lonely and just really excited about your new friendship. It’s okay, sounds like you’re doing the right thing by being careful not to overstep boundaries.

    I have been in your shoes. I have also been really hurt by someone who ignored me constantly and would leave me on read when I’d ask him direct questions or say good morning. Now I am so scared of having to wait for a reply from anyone that I tend to not answer people for long periods of time to avoid that feeling of rejection. Maybe this is how your friend feels.

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