Graduated college back in May and I’m having a hard time meeting people and forming a friendship with them. I don’t like using any apps and I think going to the bar/club is cliche. I’m not friends with any of coworkers as I prefer to focus on my work and keep my personal life separate from work life. On top of that, I’m an introvert but I’m trying my best to get out of my shell little by little. I did try striking a conversation with several people at beaches and shopping outlets but they don’t seem interested and few of them actually called me weird when I walked away from them. I’m actually losing hope that I’ll make any friends for a while. I’m still young (24) and it’s kinda depressing seeing people in their 20s hanging out with their group of friends during the summer. I barely did anything this summer besides working. This is bringing me down.

  1. MeetUp was my GODSEND. But since you don’t like using apps and are not strong with cold-approaches, idk what to tell ya :/

  2. Dive into your hobbies and try to go to public places where you can practice those hobbies. Almost every hobby has some kind of social event or team you can join and meet new people, increasing your chances of making friends.

    If you work, try asking a friendly coworker to hang out after work.

    I know it’s difficult in todays society to make friends without using some type of social media to find groups, etc. But don’t give up!

    I commend you that you are able to strike up conversations with strangers in public, that’s really awesome! Don’t let a few rude people make you feel bad for trying to be social. Personally, I love when people try to strike up conversation with me, because I am shy.

  3. In my humble, personal experience, dont focus on making friends. Is the same theory on “how do I get a bf/gf?”. I think is lore productive to focus on some activities, either passions of yours [gym, sports, videogames, acting lessons, music, board games….] or new hobbies you’ve never think of doing [hiking, cooking, wine tasting, fishing, community service, helping your local animal shelter…]. Not only you’ll grow as a person, and be more interesting [hence, more attractive to other people], but also you will meet people with the same interests, and more often than not, like-minded. As for how to make friends, its a rather complicated topic. I believe some literature may be of use here, like “The art of not giving a fuck” and “How to make frienda and influence people”. Super simple stuff, but that sometimes feels counter-intuitive like “to be interesting, be interested”.

    Also remember that making friends and socializing is a skill, and no matter your level now you will get better with practice. Good luck.

  4. The reason why you made friends in college is basically the college captured a bunch of young people near the same age and forced them to be in close contact with each other. You can do the same anywhere there are people. People pick bars because there are people there and Alcohol makes people more interested in socializing. But basically anywhere where people gather and are happy the people might be interested in talking abd hanging out.

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