In my friendship group of 5 people there is a woman (F,32) that is always posting our outings with pictures of everyone except me. I’m trying to ignore it and rise above but lately it’s been harder to ignore. It’s really weird, like when the others aren’t around she likes being with me and talking to me, but as soon as someone else in the group shows she just grabs them by the arm and sticks to them. She asks everyone else to get drinks but not me. And no one else seems to notice. I don’t know what to do. I feel left out all the time by her when we hang out and I try to focus on the others, but this woman is such a loud part of the group. It annoys me so much that sometimes I feel like she likes me and the second don’t? What would you do in this situation?

1 comment
  1. This is tough. I’m sorry you are going through this. From my similar experience, it won’t get better. So I decided to limit my group outings as to limit my time with the one doing this. I still hang out with the other ones, but more in an individual setting. It sucks, bc I had to accept that it may seem like I’m drifting- but someone that will do that to you is not your friend. You have to protect your mental health and well-being. The other option would be to ask her about it, but I’m going to guess she would deflect and deny. Also, I’m going to guess she has this need to be a ringleader- and something about you threatens her. Keep being you! That will drive her crazy lol.

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