My wife and I have a great relationship. It’s just she gets snappy sometimes and frustrated too easily.

It’s not really a big deal, but I am trying to understand the root cause of this. I know sometimes they have mood swings (my wife told me this). Could this be the reason? I have noticed this with my mother in law and my sister as well. Or is this literally just my wife being snappy and nothing to do with her gender?

I want to mention that she recognizes she is snappy sometimes, and apologizes pretty soon after.

I have just found guys to be in general more chill and easy going so was wondering if anyone found their partner is often snappy and frustrated

  1. Often they hate when their men seem dopey. Women hate repeating themselves. They lash out out of frustration because you should already know better, and they especially hate being asked why they’re pissed off because the entire reason they’re pissed off to begin with is because you didn’t know why in the first place!

    Some women also like to sharpen their claws against their man. They’ll take it out on you and expect you to know how to let them. Don’t let it bother you. Be a ‘man’, as they say.

    But she better be the kind of girl that makes your life worth living once she’s out of her funk. Don’t be a bitch, boys.

  2. My girlfriend is like this. It’s honestly almost brought our relationship to an end. Might still…

    My girlfriend has a few issues. She has severe anxiety which I think is the main source. Her childhood was a bit wild. I honestly think she on the spectrum a bit too. She has no idea what her tone sounds like. Because we’ll talk about it after, and she’ll act like there was no malice behind her words. We’ve had a talk and she’s said she’s going to therapy and trying new things, but idk. Wish me luck

    Anyways to answer your question I think it’s stress and anxiety mostly, and not understanding how to deal with and communicate that properly so it leads to snaps.

    Don’t let her walk on you. Stick up for yourself if it’s justified.

  3. Often it’s underlying stress from other stuff bubbling out in all the wrong places.

    Though birth control seriously fucks with some women, not sure if that applies here.

  4. Im just here for the comments that’ll immediately blame the men sharing their responses lol

    * OP simply just existing and breathing *

    Wife/girlfriend: “CAN YOU NOT!”

    Redditors: “Just dont do whatever it is your doing and you wont have to deal with it”

    OP: * ceases to exist *

  5. I was like this in my marriage, and I’m fairly certain it was caused by my ADHD. Part of that disorder is the part of your brain that kind of regulates emotions just lets them through, so it’s very easy to get upset about little things and when the moment has passed you feel regretful and ashamed by your making a mountain out of a molehill.

  6. Lol I remember once I was eating and my girlfriend at the time in that moment just COULDN’T DEAL WITH THE SOUND OF ME CHEWING. Despite me trying my best to not make any chewing sounds.

    So much so that I was forced to go and eat outside in the rain (it was a studio apartment so the only place where she wouldn’t hear my chewing was outside)

    I was younger then, and didn’t know when I was crossing a line by telling someone to fuck right off.

    But yes my experience with many women has been that every now and then they just get furious. But not all women! Most of them have been lovely.

    I actually think it’s just a person to person thing tbh. There are guys out there who are massive dickheads for no reason too.

  7. Depends on the woman but remember that women have hormones and periods… pretty much all women get snappy from time to time.

  8. My ex was like this. She would get moody and I would stop responding to her. It always worked. Unfortunately we broke up for a unrelated reason but I stand by that method

  9. If it bothers you it’s not ok. Setting boundaries on how you want to be treated is reasonable. My husband has similar behavior and we are working on it as it seems to be an anger management issue at the core. He’s better now but I do remind him of it when it happens. Much less often thankfully.

  10. It was her taking her anxiety out on her surroundings or anyone who happened to be near. Brought it up several times and talked about it but in hindsight therapy would have been the best option. One the biggest reasons I ended up leaving

  11. It’s like hell every month, one week before PMS.

    My opinion is go on attack mode before she starts. Alternatively, cut all communication or contact immediately until she’s ready to invite you back.

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