In my early 30s here; I’ve discovered a couple of grey hairs on my head for the first time this year. It’s a bit disconcerting to find such an unmistakable indication of ageing for me, but I think I’m growing to accept it.

  1. Around 25 to 26. During that time I was dying my hair black kinda going through that “emo” phase trying to remain “young” but now at 34, I don’t care and just accept it and age gracefully.

  2. I had my first when I turned 23, receding hairline since 18yo.

    My fashion choice is bald with beard. TBF I’m fine with it.

  3. I noticed my first white hair on my beard in my early 40s. I’ve been shaving my head for over 10 years, it had started thinning in my late 20s. Over the last 2 years I let my hair grow (pandemic boredom and curious to see how much was left).
    Losing hair was my bigger issue, but even that I’ve just accepted and learned to be confident by accepting me, as is.

  4. Wait till you get grey hairs on your balls…

    “Shit, i got old man balls! Honey, do my balls look, like… *old*?”

  5. Eighteen. My family goes grey early, but we never lose our hair. Good tradeoff, I think.

  6. Luckily my hair really shines up from its natural color in the sunlight, so grey hairs aren’t that visible

  7. Just cut your hair a bit shorter if it is concerning you. They wont stand out so much.

  8. My dad was 16 when he found his and was salt and pepper (heavy on the salt) when he met my mom at 20/21 when they were in college

    Edit: He’s mid-50s now and has gone from silver to white and no receding hairline

  9. At about 33 ish. I’m 36 now and have maybe like 15 grey hairs and it doesn’t really seem to be speeding up, just that I can find them easier now. I’m honestly not worried about greying though.

  10. Mid 20’s started finding grey at the temples. Starting balding in high school, now rocking a salt and pepper beard with chrome dome at not quite 40

  11. days after turning 30. i was like “oh come on they said it wouldn’t be this sudden!”

  12. 22 or 23. Good chance the stress of working in kichens brought them on a little early (relatively speaking).

  13. I found gray hairs since i was a kid, just pulled them out, keep finding them very rarely… you are being dramatic man….

  14. I was early ’20s.

    My dad was grey very early so I knew I had it coming. By 30 is was very noticable and I had grown to accept it. Strangely, a lot of my female friends like it.

  15. I had my first sign of a grey hair on my chin, just one. I was 26. I have full black hair although this strand in particular started becoming a light brown, turning gold. My dumbass started thinking I’m slowly turning Super Saiyan 😒 or had some cool gene. Then I reached 28 and it faded straight into Grey. Since then (now 30) I’ve got about 3 strands on my chin that are grey. No Grey’s sprouting out the top of my head tho..But still. It’s worrying. Annoying part is even when I pluck them out, they seem to grow back in faster than the rest of my facial hair FFS.

  16. Late 30s. Really only on the end of the sideburns. I’m 47 now and it still hasn’t progressed.

  17. 27. No male in my family has gone bald, so I think I’ll have a full head of white hair eventually.

  18. 16, I’m mid-30’s now, salt and pepper. It looks good though. Everyone always complimented it too…. No balding thank god. Always got the girls, don’t let it bother you.

  19. 17 and a junior in high school.

    My old man’s family goes grey and loses their hair while my Mom’s family keep their hair dark and full throughout their life. I’m 42 now and almost all grey but still there so I think it’s a good trade off.

  20. I’m 41 and have only one that I know of. My dad is 71 and still has plenty of color so I suspect I’ll never go completely grey.

  21. 29

    Gray hairs started on my face, I developed a gray patch on the corner of my chin.

  22. 23, so far no grey hair. My dad was starting to grey on his sideburns around 40-42. He’s 49 and he’s still mostly brown apart from salt and pepper on the sides of his head. Genetics.

    I wouldn’t care about grey hair much. Have a colleague who’s 26 and has a bunch of grey hair on the sides and girls love that salt and pepper look if you look masculine, well built and confident.

  23. My beard has been graying since my early 20s. My hair is very light blonde, so spotting grays is harder.

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