What is something that you are ashamed of but really don’t think you should be?

  1. I like to wear sexy male underwear. It used to be a big confidence booster for me, but I am embarrassed to wear it around my wife because she finds it emasculating. The thing is, what I wear doesn’t change who I am inside, however; this did in a positive aspect.

  2. Not ever having had sex or dated. Like… I’m 35, so obviously it’s uncommon, or odd, rather. I’m okay with that. But I don’t think odd is synonymous with shameful, and I wish I didn’t feel that I need to hide it and lie to people about it. But I’ve seen what some say about us older people with no experience, I’ve seen us get called weirdos, walking red flags, that there’s something seriously wrong with us, that we have to be socially inept or creepy, I’ve seen people ask how it’s possible to fail at something so normal and natural. So I feel embarrassed and ashamed. But I really shouldn’t.

  3. My virginity and no dating or relationship experience. At this point in my life not to compare but mostly every one around me has done this so I do feel ashamed 🤷🏽‍♀️

  4. How I ended my last relationship. I did what I did out of self preservations and I’d do it again in a heartbeat knowing what I know now. I’ve come a very long way since then and I couldn’t be happier with how my life turned out as a result

  5. My weight gain. I’ve had disordered eating for as long as I could remember. I’ve always been very thin& then I dropped a ton of weight in the beginning of college.
    I was restricting trying to deal with some traumas I had from childhood/ high school. I gained it all back plus MORE bc my metabolism got so messed up and now I’m the biggest I’ve ever been. I’m still “straight sized” but definitely not skinny. I get so down on myself for gaining weight, even though it’s normal to gain weight from 18-28. I just get so scared every time I go home to visit I’m gonna see someone from high school and they’re going to talk shit about how much weight I gained. I don’t have social media, partly because I don’t want to post pictures of myself. I look back on old photos when I was thinner and get so sad. I try to be active and mindful of what I’m eating, it just sucks to have never felt okay in my body

  6. I have human bodily functions. Occasionally I have to pee or poop and have bleedy vagina days.

  7. My lack of dating experience and never having a serious boyfriend. It kind of makes me think there’s something wrong with me or at least I’m not good enough to be with long term :/

  8. Crying in public, letting my emotions out easily, not being able to hold things in as well as other people

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