Things between me and my ex were and are still confusing, he broke up with me for no reason, and he came back after 12days saying rude and hurtful things to me and proposed to me to stay friends but with limits, But he didn’t respect the “limits” even tho he was the one who settled them and he was teasing me in a flirty way most of the time, he even asked me out on a date and after that our relationship grew more stronger and he stopped with the teasing and started being more caring towards me, it took him another 10 days to finally tells me that he still loves me, and he said that the rude and hurtful things that he said to me when he came back weren’t on “purpose” and he wasn’t thinking right by that time, he also explained the actual reason why he broke up with me, it was a stupid reason honestly but I let it slide away, even tho he said that he loves me but he doesn’t want a relationship, he said we should stay like this, acting like a couple but not an official couple, I wasn’t comfortable with that, because me and him aren’t exactly on good terms and i don’t really trust him anymore so I was afraid that he’s saying this so he can replace me whenever he wants, I did ask him that and simply said that he wouldn’t do it and he’s not willing to be in a relationship with another girl, I agreed to it even tho I didn’t really like being in a not official relationship especially with the lack of trust. We kept talking the whole day and we were quite having a nice conversation but it was literally the last day we talked, he just stopped responding to my texts the next day, I doubled texted him but still nothing, I waited some days for him to respond and still nothing, so I tried texting him for the 3rd time saying “you here?” And he did reply with “I’m here” within a minute I asked him what’s wrong with him but again still no reply, he ignored me again, but he still likes my posts and pictures,it’s been 2days since I last texted him and a week since we had our last conversation, I really can’t understand what is he thinking of, am I really being ghosted?, We had a really loving conversation before he ghosted me out of nowhere and he even said that he loves me more than I do but it doesn’t seem to be true.

TL;DR My ex boyfriend ghosted me for no reason after we both had a serious talk about our current relationship.

1 comment
  1. It seems that your relationship with your ex is marked by inconsistency, confusion, and broken trust. His actions, from breaking up for an unclear reason, speaking to you rudely, proposing a friendship with “limits,” to expressing love but refusing an official relationship, all demonstrate a lack of stability and commitment.

    It’s not surprising that these experiences have left you feeling uncertain and hurt and I’m really sorry to hear it.
    Your willingness to engage with him and attempt to understand his feelings, even as he continues to be evasive and unresponsive, shows a desire to make things work. However, it also seems clear that he’s not meeting you with the same level of openness or respect.
    The lack of clear communication and his unwillingness to commit to a defined relationship are indicators that he’s unsure of what he wants, both in his relationship with you and in his own life. The inconsistency in his words and actions might reflect his internal confusion.
    The situation you’re in is understandably distressing, and it may be time to consider whether this relationship is healthy for you.

    While it’s painful to think about ending something with someone you care about, it might be the most self-respecting choice. If he can’t meet you with honesty, consistency, and clarity, it could be wise to step back and allow yourself time to heal and reflect on what you want in a relationship.
    If you decide to seek resolution or closure with him, setting clear boundaries and expectations might help, but be prepared for the possibility that he may not meet them. In such a case, seeking support from your friends or family if you can.
    Your ex’s ghosting after a serious conversation doesn’t reflect your worth or your ability to be in a loving relationship. It’s a reflection of his inability to communicate and be honest about his feelings. It may be time to prioritize your well-being and consider what’s best for you moving forward. You are worth it.

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