I (F23) met this guy (M24) online a few weeks ago and we talk pretty often and now recently everyday also find him super cute. I find myself excited for his texts or just a convo w him, also a lot of our conversations are very vulnerable. IRL, I am dating around etc but never felt any type of attraction towards any of those guys like I felt this. Its hard bc I just want to talk to him but im trying to push myself not to put my eggs in one basket especially he lives in a different state & wouldnt do long distance.

I am worried, I guess because I feel its kinda too soon to have a crush and also scared because if I like someone I “fall” hard or invest deeply into the connection. I just don’t know what to do with this feeling in my chest. I don’t want to get swept away by my feelings.

I grew up w unhealthy relationships and insecurities which I went to therapy for and I feel wayyy better but I still feel like is this could be a subconscious trauma response (just getting attached bc we are able to be vulnerable w each other which i have a history with emotionally unavailable men) or is it genuine attraction?

1 comment
  1. Never understood how someone can develop feelings for an internet stranger. You see what he texts and hear what he says which is what he wants you to see. You don’t know him.

    I guess I’m just of the age where the only relationships were in person not based on what you imagine someone is like.

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