When I’m walking or sitting alone, my mind stays in a blank state all the time. It’s all blank. No thoughts. I’ve heard people say when they sit alone they get thoughts about various things. But thoughts don’t pop in my mind when I’m sitting or walking. When I try to interact with people, I don’t get to speak well because my mind remains empty. So I have nothing to talk about and because of that I’m not able to make friends. While I can see people can talk for longer it’s like their minds are always filled with thoughts so they don’t run out of topics to talk about. Since I’ve nothing to talk about, I bore the hell out of every one and I feel bad about that. Why am I like this? I was not like this before, I don’t know how I became like this. I really feel bad. I’m not able to make friends. I’m just weird. I see my friends always have something to talk about. They effortlessly jump from one topic to another. While I remain in a blank state, without thoughts. How can I fix this? Can this issue be fixed? I don’t want to be like this.

1 comment
  1. i’d recommend posting in r/spirituality or r/buddhism my dude. a lot of people on there aspire to have no thoughts

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