I don’t know if it makes any sense but I always feel like I don’t belong, like I am an alien so different from other people.
For example, when I’m in a store, I have the feeling that I am a sort of fraud and that people will think I’m weird being there, looking at the products in the aisles.

More generally speaking, I always think I am not normal or something, that the rest of humanity operates the same way…

Do you ever have such feelings or is it just me (again)?

  1. 1000% same!! it feels almost like theres a barrier/bubble around me

    my friends have always poked fun at the fact i look “lost” most of the time too BAHAH which i definitely feel

  2. makes perfect sense! the way you describe it *sounds* like imposter syndrome to me, it can also be a symptom of some disorders. my depression and anxiety give me that feeling sometimes. it’s not a struggle you’re going through alone thats for sure!

  3. hahah. I know that feel for sure. Struggled with it way too long. Get good with yourself. IMO, this is a confidence issue. Be comfortable in your own skin. If you feel uncomfortable, you will always project that. It’s still a WIP for me but It’s been going well. DM if you want to talk more.

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