
So, I have been chatting with a girl since a week or two. When we have chat, it’s one of the best chats we have. But I don’t know if she likes chatting with me or not, she rarely initiates it (unless I haven’t pinged her in 4-5 days). The situation is like, I am in US and she’s in India (so almost 12 hr difference, when it’s day here in US, it’s night in India), also she’s a doctor (quite busy), so here responses seems to be quite abrupt, like replying me at 2 AM in US tz. I understand atleast sometimes like 12 hr delay in response, but sometimes she doesn’t respond to my previous message and tries to initiate a new conversation.

Once, in a chat she randomly shared her Insta ID to connect but lol she hasn’t accepted my request.Though, I shared a insta meme with her on whatsapp, she checked the meme and shared some emoji icon. I don’t know how to tell her to accept it lol. I so embarrassed.

I don’t know if she’s ignoring me or not? You know it feels weird if someone ignore you and it’s mostly you who initiates the conversation. If the time is right, then we sometimes have like 2 hr’s of chat conversation back 2 back. But sometimes it feels so off.

Should I stop bothering her or is it just a phase, she might be busy. Also, she’s moving to UK for her masters next month, she might be busy planning for that as well. Though, when she’s busy in her shift or cooking she does mention that but I don’t know lol.

Girls can be so confusing lol.

  1. Bruh you’re definitely overthinking things

    First and foremost for all you know she might be a fat sweaty guy in his 50s… Internet can be a scary place

    You seem very eager to develop the conversation but it seems she’s just chatting as a pastime, and only replies to whatever she finds interesting and otherwise just changes topics or chooses to reply the next day

    Don’t expect too much from online chats

  2. Girls are not confusing. Women, such as men, are INDIVIDUAL.
    The only way to know is to ask her if she’s busy or if she’s not that interested. Like any human.

  3. Idk if she’s a fat guy or not but a 12 hour difference sounds like your a desperate loser

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