If the home owner is poor, will they be perceived as unworthy? On the contrary, if their home looks expensive, will they be deprived of promotions because they appear to be well-off? Would love to hear your personal experiences.

  1. Depends on what you’re calling “boss” ngl

    I’m active duty military, there’s a difference between my husband and I having dinner with my first supervisor and his wife vs like us finding 20 minutes ahead of time that Biden or Trump’s crashing our house.

    >If the home owner is poor, will they be perceived as unworthy? On the contrary, if their home looks expensive, will they be deprived of promotions because they appear to be well-off?

    TL;DR specifically with how that’s worded, they shouldn’t, otherwise they’re just a jackass, at least in American culture side of things.

    That being said it’s another thing if you normally live in a complete pigsty (hypothetical issue 1), make no effort to change that (hypothetical issue 2) because that’s just like, totally fine to you (hypothetical issue 3).

    Whenever I had a private living off post who looked like him and his dependents qualified for a *Hoarders* episode, usual first step was try and argue for sending them to a shrink.

  2. For me the best practice would be to not do it at all. I didn’t know this was a thing that really happened. I guess if my boss happened to be in town I’d meet him out for dinner.

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