This is only my second job so I’m still not great at using the proper phrasing with my boss, ik its a pretty simple text but I just wanna get it right since I just got this job.

Also ik for a fact there wasn’t a misunderstanding on my end and he definitely said I don’t have to come in today.

  1. Hi sorry for the confusion there – we spoke about this and I understood you to have said I was good to go!

  2. Don’t apologize.

    “Mentioned to you on [Monday] I had a scheduled appointment today and you said I was good to go. Did I misunderstand?”

  3. I agree with the comment ‘don’t apologise’. Don’t be sorry, be polite, respectful and state why you weren’t there.

    ‘did I misunderstand?’ I see as possibly respectful and possibly apologetic, which you don’t need to be. so… might be a thing to keep aside in case the boss isn’t OK with the polite and reasonable response. “Did I misunderstand? I’ll try to be clearer in future”

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