What are things women do that you might find creepy?

  1. Knew a girl that would flirt with me extra hard when other girls were around. Back up man.

  2. I had a girl I was seeing for maybe a month or two at the time stay the night a day before I worked an early morning shift. Told her she could get up whenever was comfortable and leave out my back door. Found out later that day that she had showered, eaten some of my food and had gone through my clothes and left around 2pm which I found extremely weird.

  3. I remember seeing women in their 30s and 40s who were infatuated with Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers well before they were 18. I knew a few of them. They went to every show they could, wore their merch, talked about how “hot” they were, etc. and nobody seemed to bat an eye at this behavior.

    I found it creepy. If there was a group of men that age, behaving that way over Miley Cyrus back then they’d be labeled as creeps and perverts. I don’t see any difference between that and these women.

  4. The impossible test program. It goes like this; a woman is afraid of becoming involved with an undesirable sort of fellow, so she decides to test him by artificial scenarios at a schedule only she understands.

    She makes him as angry as she can, on a day not so great anyways, just to see how he functions under stress. Her justification is that she needs to know if the man is prone to outbursts of anger or likely to become violent, when it doesnt matter, so she can be more secure in her assessment of his character during an actual crisis.

  5. I wont say creepy but uncomfortable, drunk women with boyfriends flirting with you. Its really disrespectful to their guys and uncomfortable for everyone involved. I was at a party recently and felt something against my leg. I thought it was my friends dog. I look down and the girl sitting next to me had slipped her leg in between mine. And her boyfriend was sitting right next to her. I waited a second and loudly asked if anyone needed a drink and got up.

    I doubt she was trying to actually cheat but I also dont want her boyfriend to see that crap and assume I encouraged it.

  6. Mind reading. Believing they know more about what you’re thinking or feeling than you do.

    Mind reading. Believing you should know what they want without telling you.

  7. Your gf’s girl friends will 100% hear about your sex life in detail. My gf still doesn’t understand how my friends and I don’t even talk about how frequently we have sex with our gf/fiance/wife. Like, why and how would that even come up in conversation?

  8. Okay so I grew up in a home where I wasn’t touched much in loving ways so for awhile I had a weird thing about girls touching me friendly such as a hug or shoulder rub if that makes sense

  9. How some stalk their boyfriends/husbands exes on social media. Going on their pages everyday, going through their every post, looking at all their pictures, finding out every detail about them, where they live, where they work, where they may go to college/school, who their social circles are. Why do they waste so much time and energy? I get it’s insecurity or whatever.. but damn. Get a life for real.

  10. Strong flirting. Men will typically flirt verbally using innuendo or subtle dialogue. I’ve had women really come off heavy by not using verbal flirts in form of innuendo and just get really close in proximity while carrying casual non flirtatious conversations. There’s something off about it that confuses me. Like, why are we still talking about taste in music and career goals while she’s literally shoulder to shoulder and her knee is touching mine. I see where this is going , but it doesn’t seem organic.

  11. Send a screenshot of msgs of others, or forward their voice notes, to prove a point.

    I find it incredibly intrusive and immediately would think that they would do the same with mine as well.

    Most likely I will stop texting them from then. Just directly call them.

  12. Not having any respect for privacy of their partners in terms of what they tell each other

  13. fucking dance infront of you and backing up with their ass on you. like fuck off. i wanna dance and if you wanna dance, talk to me 🙂

  14. **some** women are WAY too comfortable touching other people. the things some of them pulled would get me thrown out of establishments or even arrested. in some cases they’d give me a weird look or act offended when i told them not to touch me too (and i was nice about it). to be fair, usually it happens at parties, in bars etc. when people might be a bit intoxicated but that wouldn’t be an excuse for men either.

  15. Everything they do is creepy. Putting on makeup and clothes not for me, but for someone else, for other womens judgement. Being super fake nice to people you don’t like only to talk shit about them when they’re gone. How do you behave when I’m gone? Stalking people’s socials. Coming up behind me to smell me. Touching my ass and pretending to say excuse me. Stopping conversation when I come in the room. Projecting your feelings, pretending it’s about someone else. Assuming people know what you’re thinking while being ambiguous. Expecting someone else to carry an entire conversation so you can judge them.

  16. It’s like you never have a 1:1 relationship with a woman. Because her idiot friends hear EVERYTHING. Especially if it’s sexual.

    When guys are together, generally sexual stuff doesn’t come up unless there’s a reason to talk graphically about it. Like, something unusual happened. Otherwise, the most that needs to be said is “Yeah, we did it”.

    But women will tell every single aspect of their relationship to their girl friends. And lots of graphically sexual discussion.

    That stuff is bad enough. But it’s a one way street. Women are okay with talking about that stuff with their friends. But if you did the same with your guy friends, they’d lose their shit.

    tl;dr- Creepy/unnecessarily graphic conversations combined with hypocrisy.

  17. Was talking to 2 women at a club once and some random chick just grabbed me from behind and put her head up on my shoulder. Surprised the shit out of me. The 2 girls I was talking to thought she was my gf and bounced. Not fucking cool.

  18. Women who flirt with everyone and blur the boundaries between friendship/acquaintance/relationship. Maybe not creepy, but seriously questionable.

  19. How women talk about dating to eachother.. that’s seriously creepy. Makes you lose hope in humanity.

  20. Googling/people finder/social media stalking in the name of “well, women aren’t safe!” before a first date.

    That is some creepy fucking shit ya’ll. Stop it. Get to know me.

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