what are some video game mechanics you wish would apply to real life?

  1. No fall damage would be pretty sick.

    Perfect balance.

    God mode.

    Unlimited money cheats.

    Ummm hot coffee mod.

  2. Double jump.

    I would jump all the jumps. Can you *imagine* what basketball could be with a double jump?!? Half court lay ups man…

  3. I’d like to be able to save at certain times of my life then be able to reset and start again at that ooint

  4. Automatically updating quest journal/task bar.

    Carry capacity. You can move at full speed with no limitations until you cross it. 80 pounds just as easy to carry as 30? Yes, please.

  5. Mine craft building and resource collecting. My woodpile would be done, and the greenhouse would be built…

  6. A sort of HUD.

    Everyone has their own which displays current objective, time, location, a small mini map, highlights interactable objects, displays names, automatically translates foreign languages, and displays a reticle when throwing something.

  7. Announced that I have “victory” or at least check my progress of my achievements or a title that I have worked so hard.
    Even thou ppl have fabulous fame or richest at least I can look at my title achievement and say “at least I have this” in my life

  8. Level up system for stats. Be nice to add some to luck. And a few points in stamina for the wife.

  9. A fucking save file please. I have to fix SO MANY MISTAKES. My God…. I have fucked up so many times.

  10. Fast travel

    Reload a save file

    No fall damage

    Cheat codes

    Unlimited air while swimming

    Earning cool items for doing things instead of having to buy them.

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