How much was won?

I’ve gone for a cheeky ticket tonight but conscious that it’s all a scam

  1. I won £20 on a scratch card once. It was about three years ago. Still pretty proud of that.

  2. Nope. It’s all an illusion, a hoax created by the government. What do you want us to say? Clearly someone has actually won the lottery over the decades

  3. Bro you can look on the news, you have more chance of finding one there than on Reddit 😂

  4. It’s been going since the 90s and millions are donated to good causes (they fund Team GB for the paralympics for starters). Of course it’s not a scam. And people do win.

  5. Got 5 numbers many years ago.

    How much was 5 numbers, you ask? About £1000.

    If I’d got the 6th number, I would have got £400k ish (jackpot was a few million and was split between 6 winners if I recall, I would have been the 7th split).

    The real kicker, the number I didn’t get was 17, on a ticket I picked on my 17th birthday.

  6. I’ve a direct debit for a weekly Friday ticket. I’ve won £3 a few times this year but nothing substantial. One day…..

  7. I won 10 pounds once, the only time I had a ticket.

    I have bought the odd scratch card now and again, and sometimes I get my money back or a few pound more

  8. It is a scam. I got all 6 numbers and someone from Camelot said I had to send a £1,000 “release fee” via Western Union. Never heard from him again.

  9. Well, it’s not a scam, but you’re more likely to get hit by lightning, survive, then the following day die in a plane crash. The odds are incredibly low that you’ll win big.

    My mum won like £600 once, which was nice for her but not what you’d call “life changing”. What strikes you though about that compared to the jackpot wins, is she got that for 5 numbers. 6 numbers would have been several million quid. Intuitively we would think “no, just one ball away!” but the difference in odds between 5 numbers and 6 is still millions to one.

    A good one to visualise how unlikely it is to win, is that statistically, the numbers coming out in order as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 is equally as likely as any other combination.

  10. Most I’ve ever won was £180k. It was good enough for me. Not a jackpot but I still shat myself and called my mum at 1am to tell her.

  11. Parents have won a few times. Literally a few quid here and there. I think my dad win a slightly larger sum of around £50 once. Probably wouldn’t even begin to cover what they’ve spent playing it.

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