I am a man with a small penis size and also have tight foreskin for which I am going to be cised.
I am 19 so my doctor thinks there is scope for a bit of growth bout 0.5 inches but I don’t believe him.
NBPEL – 3.9 – 4.1 inches
BPEL – 5 – 5.2 inches.

The above were taken with a ruler but if I use my phone to press on my pubic bone I get
BPEL – 5.3 to 5.6 inches how it this possible?

Also PLEASE tell me that if I lose weight will I get to my BPEL size coz I am desperate. I don’t want to stay below average or get cheated on or have an unfulfilling sexual experience, neither do I want my partner to feel unfulfilled.

You may not realise but I have been going paranoid about this for the last 10 days it’s literally sucking the life out if me and I have 0 focus on things I used to do.

I have also considered suicide but I don’t have balls to throw away the life I have had and my family.

1 comment
  1. listen, when it comes to sex your penis size doesn’t matter. Howevre here is the only time penis size matter, read very slowly;

    *A man with a seven-inch penis may proudly compare his organ to the average man’s five to six inches but be intimidated when learning another wields an eight-inch rod. The man with the eight-inch penis is then demoralized when he finds that another man is walking around with a nine-inch tool. The man strutting around with a nine-inch “monster cock” feels puny compared to Jonah Falcon’s thirteen and a half inches.*

    Here’s the thing about your penis: it’s the only one you’ve got and you’re the only dude that can use it. “Just right” doesn’t exist — every woman and man is different and has different factors that determine what an ideal size for them might be. And even then, the person it’s attached to matters far more than the size of his member. Douchebags with big dicks are still douchebags.

    There’s so much in this world woth stressing over, don’t let your dick be a source of anxiety. Learn your size, but more importantly learn what to do with that size. A dude with a small dick and an amazing foreplay game can rock someone’s world while a big dick just whaling away on every orifice it can find will just lead to disappointment for everybody involved. Sex is much more than just putting your penis inside of a warm, moist, flesh hole — it’s the most intimate act two (or more!) people can engage in, treat it as such. Have fun, make your partner smile and laugh and moan and cum all over the place.

    Ask yourself: if fingers, lips, and tongue can give earth-shaking pleasure to a woman, how is it possible the much larger four-inch penis can’t?

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