So last week my small class of 8 grew another person. All of my fellow students are boys, except for the new person, who is a girl. She is the only female besides our teacher. School started a week and a half before she came, and she’s missing a lot of books. I’m always the first to give my books up in an attempt to show her that I want to help her, but it’s not working.

It’s weird to try to start a conversation with her because of the boys. Now they usually do their own thing during break, but our classroom is so small you can hear any type of conversation. We also still have recess. The boys and I we do separate things. Usually we will play Ultimate Frisbee or throw a football around. What’s the girl doing? She is no where to be found. That’s because she is hanging out with the class below us (my school goes from kindergarten-12th). May I be more specific? She’s hanging out with the *boys* of the grade. Both breaks and during lunch.

Don’t take me the wrong way on this though. This is not me being jealous because she is hanging out with them, but it removes the opportunity to communicate to her. Also, the class below us and I don’t get along too well. I’m worried she will turn against me, or maybe even my whole class, because they just might feed her wrong information about us.

The whole point of this writing is so I can get to know her. However, I don’t know how because I feel as if I come off weird all the time. All I know about her is that she had a birthday a few days ago and her dad fixes roofs. So I need your help. How do I approach her civilly and how do I try to get her to be my friend?

1 comment
  1. Well I would try not to worry about it so much. I’ve would try not to worry about what the other boys might say if you talk with her in class or out of class, and I would say little things to her here and there. Like about assignments that everyone is doing or homework.. something on TV or something you like that you’ve seen lately. Ask her if she wants to play with you guys at recess.. or try and talk to her for a few minutes after school while walking out. If the boys give you a bad time so what.. it’s okay that’s just how it is sometimes. If you put in a little effort here and there she’ll see that your trying.. maybe try an friend just one of the boys from that other class? Try and get in that group some. People get past stuff. A lot of stuff is just in our head. Everyone thinks they come across a little weird.. at least most people. It’s okay.. You’re ok

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