
  1. I don’t seem to have much of a preference. I’ve seen too many beautiful women from all over the world. If she’s nice, then she could be from Alpha Centauri as well.

  2. There’s studies that show that women care far more about race when it comes to dating than men.

  3. Latinas. Only dated white woman before, but I’m never going back. Latina woman are the definition of wifey material

  4. Man, I’d love to qualify for Boston someday. I’ve done 2 marathons in the past and kind of fallen off the running regiment. I’d be ok if my partner didn’t want to run a marathon with me, but quality time is my love language so I’d hope they’d be ok biking or roller blading along side me during my training runs. 10 miles takes an 1.5 hours. Or did when I was running, by myself. I def fantasized about doing this with a partner instead of by myself. The time commitment there is actually pretty arduous. But it’s a great accomplishment. But that’s not for everyone. Marathons are TOUGH races. Lots of races are tough. Half’s are tough races too!

    Id at least want them to be comfortable doing a 5k for fun with me. Or we can train up to it together. But Id want them to be ok doing 5ks and come to think of that as “fun”. That’d be my preference for race. A 5k is my racial preference.

  5. 40 year old male, I like all races, personality wise I like someone that loves with all there heart, has some fire in her and that I could trust

  6. Never had any when I was single. I had more religious preferences (not very religious was the preference).

  7. I’m a Black man who has dated women from different ethnic groups. But, when it comes to marriage, I’d prefer to marry a Black woman.

  8. Emotional intelligence, emotional maturity, compassion, empathy, and a sense of humor.

  9. I definitely tend to have a trend towards Latinas with some form of an “-ity” sort of name. My friends and family have noticed, and whenever I go through a breakup, their first question is “Aww, fightin with another -ity?”

    It was weird, I never seemed to do well with white women despite dating a few,but Latinas and black women always seem to respond better to my presence.

    I’ve only ever been with one Asian woman in my life, and it was a bad experience, but I’d love to give it another chance! I am curious to see if it’d be a pleasant relationship.

    I myself am half white/half Filipino

  10. I’m at a point where I don’t care really. Used to really like Asians and white girls. Now I just want a woman who will make my life easier as it will when I am with her. Not saying she has to be a stay at home wife, but that if I miss something or don’t think of something she will. Coworker has a wife who manages all the money and taxes and just kills it with budgets. And she is a hawk with their taxes and the stuff they can write off. I want a partner, us v the world kind of deal.

  11. Nothing really, but I do enjoy dating people from my culture because of language and shared practices . But it’s not like it’s too entirely important or a deal breaker

  12. I’ve never found skin color as a pre-req I guess. If she’s attractive then I’m gonna find her attractive. I’ve been intimate with women of all colors with the exception of an Asian woman. Not that I don’t find them attractive or anything just the opportunity never presented itself. My wife is mexican, but her skin color didn’t matter. It was her ass that drew me in.

  13. No preference.

    Culture plays a bigger factor. I wouldn’t want to date women from very conservative countries like the Middle East. I tried dating a Lebanese woman once and it was too troublesome having to deal with her family.

    When it comes to women who doesn’t come from my country (Philippines), compatibility is the most important. Western (America/Europe/Australia), LatAm, and East Asian women are the most compatible to me so I tend to go for those women outside my own country’s.

  14. There isn’t a preference. If the woman I’m dating makes a big deal about race that’s a huge turn off.

  15. As a Latino man, I prefer White women for some reason. Perhaps it’s because the little brown spots remind me of flour tortillas lmao.

  16. I’m black.

    I typically prefer black women and Asian women, but have dated/had sex with all colors. Not as into white women on average, but there are some who are beautiful.

  17. No preference. I’ve been on dates with women who were not the same ethnicity as me, and sometimes the question came up, “Does it bother you that I am ___?” And I always answered “Does it bother you that I’m not?” If the answer was no, then we simply enjoyed each other’s company.

  18. As a dark skin black male, I don’t have any preferences.

    BUT I slightly tilt away from white women bc their families can sometimes be really weird about interracial dating.

    I know all races can be discriminatory, but man some white families really can be awkward about interracial relationships.

    Like shit, we’re all human — just get to know me as a human.

  19. Preferably a Homo Sapiens Sapiens. But at this point I’m not picky, hand me a demon with tits and you got a date.

  20. I(white) used to only want to date white women. But as I’ve gotten older, I stopped caring. The girl that currently has my attention is Mexican

  21. Bruh… I predicted the majority of the answers before I even clicked the thread.
    “I don’t care. I have no preference as long as they’re human”
    Reddit is made up of people who don’t really exist.

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