Hopefully, this social skills boot camp is for all ages. My age and I have nothing in common, but I’m over 21.

  1. My advice:

    Nobody knows how to socialize well anymore because society keeps giving us all these electronics and social media. Even our stores are robots now. You don’t need to talk to a cashier, use the computer self check out instead. They are turning us into Wall-E.

    So do what the chunky dude and women did in Wall-E. Stop with the electronics and get out and find your people by exploring the world.

    The people won’t come to you. You gotta go to the people. Join a club based off your interest or volunteer somewhere where you meet new people. Go to social events or go to the same location once or twice a week like the park or a coffee shop.

    Pretend like it’s the 90s.

    Start off a convo like hey nice shirt or nice weather we have. It’s a start and when you see those people around you will be able to increase the convos as time goes by.

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