My bf and I have been together for over 3 years, we have moderate sex drives and are compatible in terms of what we like in bed. About 1.5 years into our relationship my bf developed quite a serious injury so even regular things like walking or exercising can aggravate it. It means sex is much less frequent nowadays as he needs long periods of recovery in between. Our sessions are also a lot shorter than they used to be because he can’t do it for too long without pain, even when I’m on top. It’s something that is very much still ongoing and there’s no quick fix. I completely understand this and support him in any way possible because I know how it affects him and I really love and care about him.

I’m someone that really likes/craves PIV to feel satisfied and I’m feeling really sexually frustrated because I know it’s not always possible. Oral/fingering don’t really get me off even if he is really good at it. I hate myself for feeling this way, I feel really guilty and I don’t know how or if I should even bring it up with him. I know it’s a sensitive topic and I don’t want him to feel bad at all, its also a situation that’s won’t change anytime soon. Should I just accept this is my situation or is there something else I can do to relieve this frustration? Has anyone been through something similar with their partner?

  1. It depends how much you like him whether you stay or not but if the situation is unlikely to change I know from experience that mismatched sexual compatibility can fester.

  2. Talk to him, in my own marriage it took me 10 years to finally “man up” and talk to my wife about our dwindling sex life. Turns out were both kinky AF, but multiple life events had gotten in the way both physically and mentally which had made us stop exploring each other.

    For your own sake and for your bf’s, I know if my “talk” to my wife had went to hell I would be absolutely devastating having had waited for that long just to realize that we were in different places in life.

  3. Might be a dumb question, but if penetration is what you need and fingering isn’t enough to satisfy that, do you own any dildos? He could use one on you when he’s not feeling up to fully exerting himself.

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