Alright, so my current friend group, call them friend group A, are the friends I’ve made in my current high school. Over time, I’ve started to become the friend who’s constantly made fun of, and it’s been getting to me for a while. I’ll try to come back, and I’ll either get clowned for it, or ganged up on by the group. When I hang with them, I start to feel ostracized and it just isn’t fun anymore. I feel when I’m with them I don’t feel like being the best version of myself anymore.

Friend group B consists of my friends I’ve known for basically my whole life (since elementary school), I’ve been hanging with them for a good amount of this summer, barely hanging with friend group A, barely even talking to them, and I feel I’ve been 100x happier doing so. Having genuine fun, and not the exclusion I feel with friend group A. The issue is, summer is almost over, and I’ll be stuck again with friend group A. That’s why I’m considering transferring to the other high school of friend group B, and hanging with friends I feel actually make me happy. Only caveats I see with this would be abandoning the friends I have from my current high school, but I have a lot of friends from the friend group B high school, so I think it’d be easy to get used to.

In the end, I just want to pursue my happiness. in part, I kinda hated last high school year due to my friends. I wouldn’t look forward to going to school because I knew they’d be pulling that dumb stuff on me. I’m not even looking forward to the school year because I know I’d be downgrading friend group wise.

Is this a reasonable path to take?

  1. It sounds like switching schools to be with your other friend group could be a good decision for your happiness and well-being

    It’s important to prioritize your own feelings and surround yourself with people who make you happy.

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