Have you ever orgasmed from anal? Does it feel pleasurable or more intense than a vaginal orgasm?

  1. I’m still relatively new to anal but I’ve found it to be really pleasurable for me so far! To me, it’s a completely different feeling that PIV. I haven’t been able to achieve an orgasm through purely anal stimulation but I do like to pair it with PIV or some other type or clit stimulation which does leads me to some stronger orgasms.

    Anal is different for everyone, I have friends on both sides, some love it, and some don’t care much for it. If it’s something you or your partner are thinking of getting into I’d recommend you do your research first, there’s a lot of great tips out there to help make the journey and the experience all the more fun and pleasurable. Good luck!

  2. Everyone is different. I had an ex that said she loved it and she’d get multiple orgasms when we’d do it and I had another woman who would say her ass was “exit only” lol

  3. It must feel good to my wife, she wants to do anal almost as often as having vaginal sex.

  4. This enormously depends. My anterior fornix is better accessed vaginally but I’m told that I have a lower than average cervix so not everyone is going to be like that. I can get some a-spot stimulation from anal if I’m in doggystyle and my back is flexed, but it’s muted compared to when it’s stimulated vaginally

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