Some dude even texted me too j ust say he doesn’t like me I don’t know him I have no pics of me up on my page so idk it’s even in public too

  1. How can they dislike you, when they don’t know the real you? People can be angry inside and take it out on others to “feel better”. I’ve found it’s a projection from how they see the world, see people. Some people are very unhappy, and have a bad view of the world. That spills out in many ways. Keep pushing despite what mean people wanna say or do. It’s not you

  2. I don’t think there are no reason. Maybe it is the way you move, converse with others or act. Have you tried to smile more, it may change the way people interact with you.

  3. I always reply with what makes you think that way?

    Somebody replied to it with “youre gay”

    I said: i never was, you simply feel lusty about me, im not your daddy

  4. Some people just want to make people upset for no reason. This is what would’ve happened. Just an absolute knob trying to upset you. Think nothing of it.

  5. It might have nothing to do with you. All people have predisposed notions they’ve developed over time, experiences with others, stories from people they trust (or don’t), and so on. There’s an infinite number of possible reasons so really the only way is for them to tell you (assuming they know themselves well enough to explain).

  6. There is always a reason. Is it a good reason? I couldn’t tell you. But yeah it’s definitely gonna be productive for you to find out the reason. For the loser who texted you, ignore it tho. In public then examine

  7. It’s prejudice. Pre bias opinion. Just protect yourself.. not to isolating though. I mean mentally.

  8. They probably see your worth and light which you are unaware of because of their behaviour made you question yourself made you Incapable to think or see the beautiful qualities they see (and trying hard for not letting yourself see it)

    Do not listen to people who are always negative or put you down,stand up for yourself!
    You got the power and strength to overcome these insecure low lifes

    If they are your friends-Cut them off….no good comes from those people because you are never a friend to them.

    If they are family-Have strong personal boundaries, call them out when they try to insult or abusive,do not overshare your thoughts and next step.

    Practice having good strong boundaries(Start saying NO AND DON’T EXPLAIN YOUR REASONS) and do not be a people pleaser,if they don’t care about your feelings neither should you- killing them with kindness won’t usually work because they don’t know kindness.Most of these scums usually are envious and jealous.

    Google about setting personal boundaries and try to enforce them one by one,Read self help books and articles,meditate,find a hobby,it’s okay to be a lone wolf atleast you won’t have snakes around,keep ingenuine at an arms length,don’t participate in their wicked games or try to get even karma will do that for you

    I did all of these

    Hope this helps,Good luck.

  9. I struggle with the same and it hurts a lot but you gotta realize not everybody’s gonna like you. People didn’t like Jesus and Ghandi. Most people don’t even like themselves so how can you expect them to like you? Maybe focus on why you need others validation and what you like about you

  10. Teenagers are assholes, the older you get the kinder those around you become. Learning to not take things personal is a good skill to learn. Instead of internalizing everything, you choose to only accept true and honest commentary about your character, what some asshole says isn’t that.

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