How has a woman changed you?

  1. She made me realise she doesn’t downtalk my wishes and actually appreciates when I do something for her, relling me “Thank you, my handsome lovebug”

  2. She’s made me be a better person. Giving more of a shit about work, school, family. And of course I get to enjoy a sexy woman, that’s been a nice change.

  3. Snored like a pig. Made me realise that I love sleeping alone and here I am four years later, single and starfishing every night 😍

  4. Angry, lost, and less confident. But I have to be confident and completely together in every facet just to attract someone else. Fuck it already I just want cuddle seshes and shared interests.

  5. I dated a girl who was kind of trashy. Couldn’t keep a job, kind of a slob, always the victim of something, drank too much, had a bad temper, and was violent at times. The kind of girl who has been kicked out of Waffle House multiple times. Don’t get me wrong, she wasn’t bad, we had a lot of fun too. But I had to break things off because I was tired of feeling like I had to walk in eggshells all the time. Unfortunately, not long after we split she took up recreational meth usage as a hobby. Soon after that she went pro. She then stalked and threatened me for over six months.

    This girl is the reason I’ve become a lot more picky when it comes to who I date. I’ve significantly raised my standards and set non-negotiable boundaries because of her.

  6. I dated a woman who was an immigrant to the USA. She changed my perspective on a lot of things. Not afraid to ask a question where I would feel like I would feel dumb to ask. Unafraid of driving in a different country. I lived in Los Angeles and drove the 405 without fear. Now I’m a softie in Wisconsin, so I’d always let her drive in Chicago and she never broke a sweat. English isn’t her first language, and I think that contributed to her never beating around the bush. She’d tell me “your car has a honker, so honk!”. Aside from being adorable, she taught me that being timid doesn’t get you very far in new situations. I recently took my kids out of the country and rented a car there for the first time. And we survived and made it home to tell the tale. I wouldn’t have had the courage to do that without her.

  7. Well, I’m alive for one. The most important one.

    My wife really taught me to not be so hard on myself. I wish I could see myself the way she sees me but even half of that makes me feel like amazing.

  8. She doesn’t know this, but the girl I liked in High School taught me that I can’t expect to get what I want out of life if I reject myself

  9. My divorce showed me that women in general and marriage in particular contribute very little of value to my life.

    So, instead, I focus on my friends, family, career, hobbies, etc., and I am much happier as a result.

  10. ex-wife taught me how to grocery shop. I’m sure it has saved me thousands of dollars over the years.

    Of course, that amount is nothing compared to her getting everything in the divorce.

  11. Two of my closest friends in college made me realize I was attractive three dimensionally as they put it and in turn gave me the confidence to shoot my shot with a lot more women

  12. I trust actions and not words now. Getting help with my codependency and other issues. I’m better with spotting red flags now

  13. Made me to never trust women. I wouldn’t believe any woman if they told me they loved me or even liked me. I’d believe it’s a lie.

  14. She cheated on me, so take that for what you will. Now it’s hard for me to trust anyone anymore

  15. My wife has had a profoundly positive impact on my life. She brings joy, love, and support into every day. Her presence has made me a better person, and I’m grateful for the happiness she brings into my life.

  16. Are you sure you want to ask this? I’ll answer but fair warning it’s not a pretty story. Tw: abusive mother, drug abuse, suicide attempt.

    >!Born to a drug addicted mother who abused us (siblings and me). One of my more vivid memories is her water boarding me, using us as “test subjects” to make sure her drugs weren’t laced (even poking needles into dad’s beers when he was asleep). Yea, she was horrible. Got away from her when I was 6 but the flash backs haunted me. In high school I got into drugs. Woke up one day realizing I was turning into her, and shot myself in the head with a crossbow. That gave me an internal monologue which then gave me the power to overcome my trauma and better myself. !<

    My 2nd story isn’t too bad. My ex wife slept with my friend and it made me realize I can’t keep distracting myself from my own mind. That I need to learn to be happy with myself for who I am.

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