As the title states, I’ve been having a lot of trouble just getting girls to give me enough of the time of day to even talk to me, and the ones I do ask out never seem interested in me. I have tried to ask someone on a date after knowing them for a short time and I’ve been rejected, I’ve asked someone after befriending them for a couple months and got rejected. I am 22 male, I am an engineering student, got my own apartment, I like cooking, reading, writing poetry and more, I know this might seem entitled but I just seem to be unable to find someone who likes me enough to date me and I’m tired of being alone. What can I do to that make me seem more appealing?

  1. “Confidence Attracts!”

    (( do you contend with anxiety? that really saps self-confidence ))

    -*respond* to their eye contact: if they hold your gaze appreciably longer than usual, *twice or more often*, they’d likely enough tolerate/welcome your approaching them

  2. Be good looking for the initial contact, then be interesting to talk to. It’s hard to know where you’re at or how to improve, but the “easiest” way would be to make sure you’re not overweight, get a haircut that fits your face shape and take some good pictures (important). Look up how to make a good OLD profile. Then wait for matches, and start talking to those girls. If you keep getting ghosted, it’s probably because you’re not good at talking to girls, which you will get better at by talking to more matches. You don’t even have to out with them if you don’t like it.

    Dressing nicely will help once you secure a date, but up until that point you don’t need to worry too much about that. Being tall also helps but of course you can’t really help that

  3. Lol you mention 2 times where u got rejected, that’s your problems right there. You only shot your shot twice.

    Dating apps, social media, IRL. Just keep putting up shots. For guys, it’s a numbers game.

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