Or do you just bench her? Keep in contact until you’re ready to date her?

  1. I never plan on ever getting remarried, if a girl is putting off the relationship vibe, I leave her alone. After being cheated on I know I am damaged as f^&k and do not want to hurt anyone else, but I am still human and like the company of women from time to time, so I only date hookups, short term, or casual dating.

  2. Nothing really changes until she brings up the topic of a relationship. I just enjoy myself and ask her to hang out when I want to see her. It’s her responsibility to insert the relationship questions at a time of her choosing.

  3. Honestly in my experience men are usually the ones looking for a relationship, most women, maybe 80% aren’t relationship material. So when you meet them and hook up, then you just tell them you only wanted a hook up.

    When you meet one who is relationship material you know it.

  4. As soon as she starts falling in love with me (usually happens soon after we have sex) I ghost her and move on.

    Go and find another one.

  5. __I’m not like that, I’m personally fundamentally against hook up culture,__ __but in that situation__ I would be __brutally honest__ with her and tell her that I’m not interested in a relationship and it simply will not happen (assuming that that was how I felt about the situation).

    Being __honest,__ while it might be brutal in that situation is in my opinion the right thing to do and provides the other party with the necessary information for them to make a good decision on how to move forward.

    __But that is just my personal opinion.__

  6. *”how do you turn down a relationship type of girl?”*

    No thank you I’m not interested.

  7. I’ve learned to just be up front with everyone I meet about this. Before anything happens I just say it’s sex only and I don’t want a relationship, so if they’re looking for relationship they don’t have to waste their time. So if I do meet someone who I want to hook up with, but they tell me they want a relationship, I don’t even bother. If they lie and say just sex is fine and then tell me later they want a relationship, I just end it right there.

  8. It depends on HER energy. I’m not opposed to a relationship, it’s just crazy when you get a woman FOCUSED on being in a relationship. They get that stage 5 clinger look in their eyes.

    If it happens cool, but it shouldn’t feel forced. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    I like to just date for a little while and see how it goes. If it clicks, we keep on going. If it doesn’t, then move on. but I don’t know if we fully click until after the hook up, so it’s a real catch 22 there.

  9. I’d tell her that I can only offer her sex. If she’s good with that and I’m good with that, we sex

  10. Sometimes if she likes you enough. Hooking up with her will still keep her wanting for more despite you being honest to her so make sure to pullback if she starts being attached even though she wont admit it. It is not a very satisfying relationship to be in tbh. Never hook up with friends you are not prepared to lose. It’s just a golden rule for me at this point.

  11. I just tell her my intentions from the get go. I’m 19 and I know for a fact most men and women my age in my area aren’t committing to 1 person any time soon. I tell them I’m just tryna fool around. I’m probably gonna get more serious in my late 20s early 30s. Been in relationships in the past so I know I don’t need the drama

  12. This is a lose-lose situation. You can tell the girl you like her and only keep her for the sex and sex only, but it would only benefit 1 party. Being truthful requires you to be a high value man for you to be honest and still pursuade her into only hooking up with you. However, neither situation will create a socially stable country if everyone does this, so I’m against hookup culture, even though I had participated in it for half a year, I want others to be better than I was. But if you respect both yourself and her, you’re still going to be honest, and you move on to find a girl that has the same intention as you do

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