I’m 26M and tbh, I’m insecure in the way I look.

I try my absolute best. Workout a lot. Get to keep my hair nice. Eat well. Try to dress well. But I just don’t feel confident in the way I look naturally.

I saw someone come into the restaurant I was in earlier who was clearly on a date. He was good looking. she was stunning. And while I’ve been on some dates with good looking girls, I never feel confident that they’d want to be with me over someone like him.

It affects my relationships I do have. I’m always wondering why they even want to be with me. I’ve only dated one girl I truly found incredibly attractive and at that time I was even more insecure and ruined it. It wasn’t totally my fault, but I didn’t help.

I want to stop feeling this way but I can’t no matter what I try. I’d like a girl like I saw in that restaurant. But maybe it’s just not on the cards for me. Which means I may never be with anyone I’m truly attracted to like that.

What can I do about this? It’s getting me down. Thanks

Tl;dr feel insecure in the way I look and
It’s getting to me

1 comment
  1. Have you considered therapy?

    Everyone here can explain to you what you probably already know, that looks are not the most important thing. You aren’t just insecure about your looks though, you have low self worth.

    Would you want to date you? If not, why not? Are any of these things something you can work on improving? Did you feel loved and supported growing up?

    Therapy can help get to the root of things and help you try to retrain your way of thinking about yourself.

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