I plan to get a boob job because I’m insecure about my breasts being on the smaller side. It sounds silly but I feel like I won’t be attractive enough to a man so should I go in dating with this insecurity or wait until I’m more confident with the surgery?

  1. No… You want guys to like you for your breasts? Are you trying to attract a shallow individual? Or just assuming all men are shallow?

  2. This has nothing to do with what men want, YOU decided your desirability is linked to your chest mass. And that’s fine, but if you can’t afford a surgery any time soon and you going to shoo away a mutual interest due to your current boob size..

  3. Facial attractiveness is the most important aspect in my opinion, everything else is negotiable.

    Also I prefer a small breasted natural to a fake big breasts any day.

  4. as a woman with smaller titties, don’t get the boob job girl. loads of men LOVE them smaller, so you could just mess up being the type of someone you like.

    you’re already someone’s perfect as is, so don’t do this to be attractive to someone else when you already are 🫶🏼

    that being said, it’s not my body so do as you please. but date and have fun and you’ll realise it’s all good.

  5. There are just as many men who like small tits as men who like big ones. In the end it’s about how you feel but I wouldn’t do it because you think you’ll be more attractive to more men. It’s a shitty read, and not necessarily true. Some of us prefer the smaller ones.

  6. If you deadass got a mental condition that makes you hate how your body looks without a boob job, go ahead.

    If you wanna increase the size of ur titties because you wanna attract guys?
    It’ll work…I guess.

    The thing is if you wanna pursue a relationship and the guy finds out you got a boob job not even for yourself but for the sheer appeal to men….that concept in and of itself is lowkey unattractive.

    Guys, or people in general, like it more when people look good for THEMSELVES while coincidentally appealing to the person attracted to you. That’s why people have a “TYPE”. No one likes someone who attracts EVERYONE, they like someone who attracts THEMSELVES.

    All in all, you do you. If you got the money to get the boob job, make sure you got money to undo it incase u don’t like it. If you do like it then go crazy🫡

  7. Not sure about other people, but a pretty face will beat tits and/or ass any day for me, especially if I want a serious relationship. You can be flat as a board, as long as you have a pretty face, you’re up there in terms of physical attraction. So no, I would say don’t put off dating just because of your breast size.

  8. I have pretty small boobs. How old are you? Just curious. When I was younger I felt self conscious about them. But now I’m mid 30s, I’ve dated a lot of people, and everyone who has gotten to see my boobs has loved them. I’m happy with them now too.

  9. Your boobs are beautiful as they are. Do you really want a partner who only lives you with fake books?

  10. You will be altering how you look but honestly, I don’t think there are many men who will complain. Just make sure it’s for you and not them, if a man likes you it doesn’t matter how big your boobs are

  11. You should spend the money on therapy to work on your self esteem issues, all the surgery in the world won’t fix that.

  12. Read some of your other comments. Conclusion is clear: You have a “clinically low self-esteem”. I say “clinically” because you have no reason to feel that way, compared to most other people.

    Guys don’t care if you got small tits as long as you got something else going for you, and you clearly do.

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