So I have heard it that while masterbating we get used to a certain type of sensations and it becomes a requiremet for orgasm and when we don’t get it we feel bored or u satisfied
Like guys getting used to thier hands and girls to toys with high frequency.
Is this true ?.

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  2. I can’t speak for everyone but I’ve never experienced this. I’ve used toys plenty of times as a man and nothing replaces sex with another person. From what I’ve seen it’s the same for women generally. Toys are fun and can get you off quicker than with another person but has never hurt my sex life as a result.

  3. There’s a lot more to it than that, but it can be true. It has to do with how often a person masturbates and how hard they grasp (for someone with a penis) or how much/how long with a toy (for someone with a vagina). The same can be true of someone with a penis using a toy.

  4. I can kind of believe that. Like I can cum in 3 mins from my hands, but it takes longer with a girl. But I love sex, it’s a different type of sensation.

  5. Depends on the person I suppose, my ex was hooked on sex toys to the point we very rarely had sex I felt like a spare part for years and grew to resent the things ( I don’t anymore to cut a long story short it was a horrible relationship with other factors in there) anyway me and my now wife both use sex toys on our own and together and it hasn’t affected our sex life

  6. I’m a female and in my personal experience, I cannot get off by my fingers alone, yes, it’s really weird, unless I’m really desperate to cum then yes, fingers will do. I tend to use a vibrator, and everyone I know uses one. And that’s the easiest way to make me cum. But during sex, my bf can make me cum easily by oral or penetration alone, so I don’t really think toys desensitise people.

  7. It seems the more my wife solo plays the easier it becomes for her to cum in partner play. I believe that with women, there are a lot of mental aspects to coming. For example, if a woman is stressed or the bedroom is a mess, it can throw off her game. I believe solo play keeps her mind engaged in sexual thoughts and increases her libido. That is the complete opposite of men. Now remember, women are capable of multitude orgasms. The more they play, the more sensitive they become. Women are far superior sexual beings. Men, on the other hand, have to deal with refactor periods. We are limited in that regard, and if we masturbate too much, we become desensitized.

  8. No not always true.
    My husband both use toys and have no issue orgasming together.

    But I’ve heard of it happening.

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