I was having a conversation with two other colleagues at work and she joined, I noticed that whenever she’s talking she doesn’t look at me at all. Whenever I spoke she would look at my direction but never when she’s talking.

Does a similar situation mean she doesn’t want me I conversation?

If it matters she has known the other colleagues for longer; but i have spoken to her without other people there and they seemed like normal conversations and she’s usually super nice. I think there isn’t any reason why she wouldn’t want me to be part of the conversation.

To add I am a quiet person so I don’t talk the most in these situations, could that be the reason?

Also sometimes my colleagues mention that I seem to dose off during conversations.

Is there something I can do during group conversations to seem more engaged? When my colleagues we speaking they were giving me eye contact, doesn’t that mean that I am engaged enough?

Am I just overthinking this and should just ignore it and move on?

  1. Probably a bit of overthinking. First one sounds bit more like a her ‘problem’, an insecurity of hers (though difficult to say without seeing the interactions).

    As for the dose off part, i believe this happens to many of us and usually indicates that you are indeed not that interested in the conversation. Perhaps you have other things on your mind that are worth your time more at that moment. I do this too sometimes and really is nothing i feel ashamed about. If they need me or my input they can call on me directly. As in group conversations it sometimes deviates to a less interesting topic or part of the topic so i would be less engaged.

    Dont think you really have to change it, unless its hindering your actual work that you have to do. Also, imo, people tend to stay talking about certain topics that are already clear or finished for me, so i just zone out at that point bc i dont wanna be rude and cut them off.

    Hope this helps a bit 🙂


  2. I also do this as a male. It’s because she’s shy or shy with you around. But I could be wrong tho’.

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