To put it brief, a guy told me that he loved the way he smelled after having sex with me. That when he got home he noticed the smell of my pussy lingering on his dick even after showering and he really enjoys the smell.

Could this just simply be our pheromones being compatible? I wonder if any guy has ever experienced this before aswell. I personally think it’s sweet and a confidence booster that he likes the way I smell.

  1. Absolutely, god, i thought i was the only one!!!!

    So, i love the smell of my girl’s kitty, and i swear, even after good shower, thorough, i can smell it for 2 days (after pretty intense sex)!

    I’m cut, too, so its not like an under the fore – skin thing, either.

  2. Yes, I fucking love when I can smell my wife on my dick. It’s hot as fuck. Nothing is better than a good tasting and smelling pussy.

  3. I used to love the smell of my own penis when it was clean. It honestly smelt like an aphrodisiac. Combined with pussy juice it is even better. And yes, it does smell different even after showering. No idea why but I’m not bothered by it 😉 Maybe it stays in pubes a bit longer or something?

  4. One of my favorite things is my wife riding my face before I walk out the door for work. I love that I can still smell her on my face and hands. Makes the morning commute a lot more enjoyable!

  5. One of my favorite things is the next day unzipping my pants to use the bathroom and smelling the sweet smell from last night. It’s a lovely thing and definitely turns me on.

  6. Absolutely. And it’s lovely. I enjoy the smell for hours. On a related note, if he loves that smell I’d bet dollars to doughnuts he’ll be generous, orally.

  7. Oh absolutely in the sexiest way too. Like others have said, the smell of pussy is just fucking sexy and it feels like an incredibly intimate and secret honor to wear my ladies scent in public.

    Each morning lately she’s been asking to be eaten out when she wakes up, I’m happy as hell to oblige and (no beard) enjoy her smell and taste on my lips for hours afterwards.

  8. When i eat my wife out her smell stays in my beard until i wash it with shampoo. I always rinse my face off after we’re done for the night. I can smell her on my fingers for a long time unless i wash my hands with soap RIGHT after too…

  9. I have a question 🙋‍♀️I get having the scent on your beard or hands. But How can you smell all the way down to your dick?

  10. I don’t have a dick, but when we’ve had sex earlier and go for round two, I can definitely taste/smell myself even if it’s been awhile

  11. This reminds me of early sex days when I would just finger a girl during Gym class. I would then smell my fingers for the rest of the day and the smell would be so good and pleasing.

  12. I’m a woman so I can’t answer this, but I’m sooo turned on by the thought of my man being so turned on by my scent. 🥵

  13. Yes. I smelled another woman on my husband more than once. I’m now single after 20 years of marriage.

  14. yes absolutely, one of my favorite parts of sex is being able to smell my partners scent on my cock/hands afterwards. i can’t fucking get enough of it

  15. Absolutely. I love the natural smell of women, including the smells of their sex juices.

    My wife once commented that after we had sex I would not be in a hurry to shower. I explained that I liked the lingering smell of her on me.

  16. Back in college, I was in my dorm room, making out with my girlfriend, fingering her with my index and middle fingers. I then rushed off to the gym to go to my karate class, without washing my hand. My sensei often used me when he was demonstrating a technique. This guy was also the head of the art department, and was known as a horndog who had affairs with the female students. I was standing there, arm straight out in front of me, hand in a fist, and my sensei was showing where on the mouth to strike. So my fingers were pressed against his upper lip, right under his nose as he was explaining to the class. He inhaled, and then paused for about 10 seconds, and I could see the recognition on his face, and I knew he could smell my girlfriend’s pussy on my fingers. He then continued the lesson, and I swear he treated me with a little more respect after that day.

  17. Oh yeah, it’s the smell of compatibility alright. Otherwise it just smells like incompatibility. The smell of a woman’s sex is intoxicating and drives most men crazy. I love to have that smell on my face after mashing my face into it

  18. Most women leave a sent of you have a nose for it. Some are stronger than others. I too love to that reminder when I’m at work the next day and go to the bathroom and take it out.

  19. I love eating my partner out and being able to smell her scent all day . if you don’t get any on you …you ain’t eating it right

  20. I’m a woman and I love the smell of our fucking. When he cums inside me my pussy reeks of it (in the best possible way). We always joke about “two great tastes that taste great together” LOL. But seriously, I wish I could bottle that smell.

  21. A gal who liked me borrowed my coat at a bar (winter time, was chilly inside). When she left she gave it back and said, “Thanks. I left you a surprise.” Nothing in my pockets. I was stumped. Next day, driving to work, I scratched my nose with my left hand and caught a most luxurious scent. Apparently, she went to the restroom and rubbed my left sleeve on her very wet lips. I guess I got her worked up at the bar. Had a very fun fling with her for a month or so. Armenian women are something else! 🏝

  22. I think the smell after a shower is psychological. I’ve sometimes had my brain interpret the smell of my dick of my lovers pussy probably because of all of the amazing and intimate sex we have. It’s hot, psychological or real anyway. And I’m usually off to masturbate as soon as I catch a whiff.

  23. My fiancé has this experience with me constantly. Any time we have sex my scent stays on him until he showers. Idk about after a shower… but he says its because we are sexually compatible that he can smell me when I am horny or after we have sex.

  24. I am old. Even when I was young, I am not nearly flexible enough to bend down to get my nose close enough to smell my own dick.

  25. I usually don’t feel anything after showering, but if I love smelling like her anywhere or being wet from her. 🙂

    Sorry, I know this is not the main topic, but as a biologist with a masters degree in medical biology I can’t resist talking a bit about pheromones.

    The thing is, pheromones are found in other animals, but nobody has found pheromones in humans. And there has been research on this, cause there is a big value of it in for example the perfume market, so they’d have a strong interest in founding research to find human pheromones. So from what we know today pheromones in humans seems more like an urban myth, or wishful thinking. You never know what someone will find tomorrow though.

    That’s the thing with science. You always need to be ready to abandon your old world view when someone makes new findings that contradicts it. Like with the shift from the geocentric to heliocentric model. With the information people had back then they thought that the earth was in the centre of the solar system. Then some guy finds evidence that the sun is at the centre and we got a better picture of how the world works. All to get closer to the truth. People need to understand this. That science is not a belief system. Science is a methodology for finding out how things work. It is the best methodology we have to find the truth about things. It’s about eliminating all confounding factors and designing experiments that rule out every explanation but the correct one. You share every step of the process in a scientific article, every detail, so that anyone can reproduce it to see if it is actually legit. Sorry got a bit carried away, but this is so implrtant nowadays when people just beleive any bullshit that some idiot says on Youtube instead of scientific research. It’s wierd and dangerous.

    Pheromones basically work like hormones, but the response is in another individual. One animal produces the pheromone, it then travels to a receptor in another animal and elicits a specific response. This is different than smelling someone as a human. Cause smells also lead to some kind of response of course. But that response doesn’t have to be exactly the same each time, and it depends on what memories we have connected to that smell and if we think it smells good or bad.

    That being said, smells still affect us a lot. Smells are closely related to memory and smells related to someone you love or have sex with, or special moments you had together, can really give a strong emotional response when you kind of relive those moments through that particular smell. It’s really beautiful how you can smell a perfume or something that your partner used once when having an intimate moment, and being transported back to that moment again even though you had kind of forgotten about it.

    Sorry! I love smelling my wife and being wet from her is the best. 😅

  26. Yes.. I can still smell my wife on me when I masturbate way later after we had sex.

  27. Oh goodness yes. It’s the best smell in the whole world. If it was a candle I’d have one going 24/7.

  28. I’m a vagina owner, so I can’t really answer this. But I love the way I smell after having sex. It’s like I can smell the combination of me and my guy, and it’s intoxicating.

  29. I love either fucking or going down on my girl, then going to the gym and working out. Having that lovely odor pushes me to work out even harder.

  30. Yes. The smell tends to linger for one or two days after, and that’s with showering each day, it’s awesome, and most of us love to smell it.

  31. Sometimes after taking a shower in the morning we have a quicky before i leave for work. At work when i go to the toilet and unzip my pants i enjoy her scent so much that i sometimes get an instant hardon.

  32. My exwife would smell my dick after I would come home from a night out. Turns out she was the one who was cheating 🤷🏾‍♂️

  33. idk cuz im a female, but the smell of my boyfriend’s dick linger on my vagina for about 1 day lmao, when I pee I can smell

  34. Well ya. Next time you have sex and he fingers you, have him go wash his hands with soap and water. Give it a sniff when he comes back. You will still smell the scent. I mean, I’m a guy who is attracted to women so I like the smell lol.

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